TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

"DLC" Your Worst Enemy?

When playing a game, one of the worst feelings occur when a really good game ends. The feeling of satisfaction that you completed the game, but that feeling of wanting more. More to the story and more game play. That is where DLC comes in. DLC stands for Downloadable Content, which really means more to the game you can buy. DLC was first used to add those parts of the story that the game did not explain very well. Like how did that character end up their? Why do they have that scar? What’s their backstory? All these were the idea behind DLC. But then DLC changed.

With the addition of multiplayer to games, DLC turned into gaining advantages to playing online. Different costumes for your character or even buying money for the game. This took over DLC because the game companies knew that someone would pay for it. This started the downfall for gamers. Now when they finish their game, they have to buy the rest of the story. This also caused an uproar in the online community because gamers could buy their way to the top of the leader boards when they spend all their money on in game money to buy all the best gear. Now that gamers can buy their way to the top, the online community changed to accustom to it. Everyone that could would buy as much as they could to stand a chance against those who were better. It did start competition, but not the right kind.

Multiplayer was not the only aspect that changed with DLC. The single player of the games became shorter. They became shorter because companies knew people would want to buy more story to the game. This upset gamers because they did not want to spend extra money to finish the game they already bought. The exception to this is episodes for games. Episodes are games that release parts of the story at a time. There are positives and negatives to this. The positives are the episodes are cheaper than buying the full game. This helps with if a person does not like the game they are not stuck with it and the do not have to buy the rest. The negative to it are that the whole game is just a load of DLC. More money is spent to buy the game. A solution to that is buying the season pass for the game which gives you every episode as it comes out. The issue with that is you are taking the risk of not knowing if the game is good or when it will come out.

DLC has become a hassle for gamers. They have having to buy more of the games they have already bought. Some games however, have made their DLC strictly about the backstory of the game or to answer questions about the game, which pleases gamers. Hopefully DLC will be fixed in the future, but for now, it is your way to the top of the online leader boards.

Featured Image: “Retro Space Invaders Cupcakes” by Clever Cupcakes @flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


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