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LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham:

Like the other LEGO games, in LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham you go through 16 story-mode levels and 16 free-play levels as well as locations like the Batcave, the Justice League Watchtower, the Hall of Justice plus 2 Lantern Corps planets. While going place to place, level to level you collect studs, minikits, gold bricks, red bricks, character tokens, vehicle tokens and rescue Adam West. Throughout the game you have to play both superheroes and villains to save the seven different colored Lantern Corps characters who were kidnapped by Brainiac. As well as stop him from shrinking Earth for his collection of mini planets.

In the beginning it shows you six of the seven different colored Lanterns being kidnapped by Brainiac, wanting the last lantern, the Green Lantern, Brainiac starts towards Earth. After Batman is zapped back to his senses after he was hypnotized by Brainiac from his ship he alerts Martian Manhunter about Brainiac’s ship coming. Which leads Batman, Robin, most of the Justice League and multiple villains, who sneaked into the Hall of Justice before and transported themselves to the watchtower, to team up and stop Brainiac from taking Earth.

This LEGO Batman game is more difficult than LEGO Batman: the Videogame. Many things are different in this game like instead of saving Stan Lee like in LEGO Marvel Superheroes you save Adam West. Then there are “hubs” or portals which take you from the Batcave to the Watchtower to the Hall of Justice to other locations and back again. Also if you hold the triangle button it shows you all the suits and outfits you had collected, which you can access throughout the game unlike other LEGO games that give you certain suit in certain levels unless your on free-play. What is most difficult about the game is that there is only one way to pick what level and what kind of level (story-mode or free-play) you want to play, which took lots of time to find and figure out.

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is fun, although more difficult than other LEGO games. The game’s graphics are pretty good, most of the characters look different, like Killer Croc. In LEGO Batman: the videogame Killer Croc was a little LEGO character with pretty good detail with the scales, red eyes and sharp teeth. In this game Killer Croc is a BIG LEGO character with less details, his scales are now beige in color and striped, his eyes are still red but not as good as Batman: the videogame. Plus LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham’s Killer Croc has a moveable jaw instead of the flat LEGO mouth.



Batman: Arkham Asylum:

Batman: Arkham Asylum is about Batman trying to take back Arkham Asylum when Joker, Harley Quinn, Scarecrow, Bane, Poison Ivy and other villains run around and take over. While playing you explore the island collecting Riddler trophies, Joker teeth, interview tapes, character biographies and Amadeus Arkham’s messages that tell you Arkham Asylum’s history. As well as collecting gadgets for Batman and leveling up Batman’s skills like combos, health, special moves and the time it takes to use a specific gadget.

In the beginning you are shown that Batman is escorting Joker back to Arkham Asylum. When Batman believes that Joker is planning something he escorts Joker deeper into the hospital. Batman turns out to be right, Joker escapes and it turns out Joker takes control of the island. Batman has to go around Arkham Asylum to save survivors and to stop Joker, as well as other freed villains and Joker’s new army of superhuman henchmen called Titans. Which he paid the unknowing Doctor Young to make out of Bane’s venom.

In Batman: Arkham Asylum you can choose if you want the game hard, medium or easy. It all depends on the level of hardness you pick. In easy mode I would say it is kind of hard, you have to make sure you don’t get caught in certain stealth parts when your suppose to be sneaky. Like when Batman has to take down a room full of armed thugs, Batman can glide from gargoyle to gargoyle on the upper walls and can do hanging takedown but it doesn’t help when two or more thugs stick together and won’t go their separate ways.

It is fun because you are Batman, and you run around Arkham Island fighting bad guys, saving good guys and stopping Joker. The graphics are pretty good, but on some parts it’s pretty bad. Most of the characters are unrealistic as well as when Batman beats thugs up. They fall down so weirdly and always with their hands blocking their face.



Nintendogs + Cats Series:

Nintendogs + Cats is an upgraded version of Nintendogs which only works on a Nintendo 3DS. Every game you start out by looking at nine different breeds of puppies, each version of the games have different breeds. Only after your picked puppy has been trained and you have enough money you can buy a kitten. Although only the puppies can take walks and compete in competitions, which is how you get money. You are only aloud to own six puppies and / or kittens at a time, you can only keep three in the room and the other three stay at the pet hotel. While you’re playing, walking, bathing and winning competitions with you puppy, as well as your kitten, you will collect owner points which can unlock more dog breeds and items to interact with your pets. Although you can get owner points taken away by neglecting to feed, water, play and wash as well as pulling your pet’s tail and yanking your puppy’s leash.

The Nintendogs + Cats series are pretty easy, although there is getting your puppy to learn its name and to do tricks that are tricky. You need a rather quiet area to play since most of the game you would be speaking into the microphone to say commands and calling its name. Another difficult task is to win competitions because you dog could be really terrible at running or listening to commands. And if you don’t win competitions then you won’t have enough money to buy another puppy or kitten.

I think these games are really fun, even though it is hard to talk if your house is abnormally loud and your puppy won’t learn its name and you run out of money when you want to buy a new puppy or kitten. When I first saw the game the graphics looked pretty good, but you should never trust trailers of games. The graphics could be way better, but the puppies and kittens are still cute even if it’s not that realistic.



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