TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Computer History and What it Started as

When we think about computers, what do you think about? Me, I think about the average home computer setup, with one monitor, one computer, and a keyboard and mouse, others may think about a Macbook or laptop, or maybe there own Computer setup that they have or want. But they always weren’t like this. Today, if I can keep your attention for long enough. I’m going to explain the history of the uprising of computers.

Computers have been around since the the late 1940’s. But the first batch of home computers have been around since the 1970’s. The reason being is that when they first came out, they were unreasonably large, and the average person didn’t need them, they didn’t do anything useful besides crunch numbers. When the 1970’s came around, technology has evolved enough to the point where it could be compact and have a real home use, and this brought the era of DOS, and the upcoming of Microsoft, and Apple.

The first batch of Operating systems were made under the name of DOS, or Disk Operation systems, they didn’t have “Graphic user interface” or GUI, they were composed of command line Interfaces for the “basic” user experience, it wasn’t until 86-DOS and Apple DOS when you could do more.  

WIth the coming of 86-DOS, and the uprising of Bill gates, Bill bought 86-DOS, and changed it to MS-DOS, after that Bill gates and his soon to be company Microsoft, would create the Windows operating system after a short while after his investment, and would make the most used operation system in the world.

Along with DOS, this brought the era of the Apple computers in 1977, the first apple computer was released to the public was called “The Apple II”, but but businesses took more of a liking to it because of the software included with it, which was a spread sheet program. Which lead the the creation of Apple Inc. with Steve jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne as the founders.

Apple took a different route to the home computer route, and aimed for the bigger and better sides of things. They focused on the higher end of the computer spectrum, and aimed for high end business class computers, and laptops.

Apple would soon create there Mac os operating system in the the 1980’s, when computers could handle the GUI (Graphic user interface). The same goes for Microsoft. Microsoft made the Windows OS in the mid 1980’s. After that the rest is history. Apple went in order of 1 to 10 for their Macintosh OS x, Microsoft on the other hand had a different way of numbering their operations systems. It was at first 1 to 3, then windows 95, 98, 2000, then they moved to windows NT, XP and Vista. Then to the more recent 7, 8, 8.1, and 10. I hope Microsoft doesn’t make a Watch like Apple did.

Everything happened over time, business deals were made. Things went up and down for each company, the worst being that all of the original owners of Apple passed away. Steve Jobs being the last. But they all hold their own place in the business and consumer world, they all do there own thing, and they all do the same thing, it just a matter of what people prefer and use.


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