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Different types of Skills

Gaming improves skills? What do you mean they say. It can improve hand eye coordination, thinking skills, and reaction time. With these improved abilities they can help you in the real world. They can help in sports such as football and soccer. Improving these skills will be helpful for everything, so let’s talk about each one.

Hand eye coordination is one of the many things gaming improves. “researchers had 18 regular gamers (those who played action games at least three times a week for at least two hours each play session) and 18 non-gamers. Researchers set volunteers in front of a computer and told them to play a game using a computer mouse to track a small square on the screen in front of them that moved around in a complicated repeated pattern”(TechTimes). This is testing hand eye coordination. This test is actually really good. To prove video gaming can help you. “However, over time, the gamers improved faster, becoming better at the game than the non-gamers. This suggests that gamers have an advantage in learning patterns that require sensorimotor skills”(TechTimes). It proves if you play videogames for a long time you can become better with your hand eye coordination.

Video gaming also improves thinking skills. There is certain situations in game when you have to think of what to do. “Previous research has demonstrated that action video games, such as Halo, can speed up decision making but the current work finds that real-time strategy games can promote our ability to think on the fly and learn from past mistakes”(Nydailynews). This is saying that if you play strategy game it will make you decide on what to do much faster. Then if you play an action video as they use as an example which is Halo, it will speed up your decision making skills. Having this skill is real good if you want to become a pro gamer.

The last skill is reaction time. Reaction time is really big when you are going against other people with even or better skill. It can make you win or it can make you lose. “They push the limits of how fast the human brain can process information and make decisions based on that information”(Thoughty). By playing video games competitively, it does make your brain process information faster. The situation you are in you do have to react to everything much faster than the other team. This is all the skills that you basically need for gaming.

Featured Image “FPG” By: Luke Hayfield @Flickr (CC BY 2.0)


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