TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Outside Adventurer

I love to be outside. I have a camp up in Freedom Maine. I went up there this last week for new years, and we usually have about a foot of snow. Everyone in my family brings their snowmobiles up to camp and we do about 60 miles every day. Take the 60 miles and multiply that by 7 days in a week, that equals 420 miles that we ride that whole week. My family is very big into snowmobiling. We did not bring our snowmobiles up this last week because there was only a foot of snow, and that’s not good for trail conditions if they were to groom. I’m loving this cold weather because everything will start freeze which means we will be able to go to camp, go snowmobiling, ice fishing, skating on the pond, and a lot more. It is a late winter but I like it because this summer we started to build a shed, and I have done all the work on it and it came out really nice. This week we were able to finish shingling the roof and we got to put the doors on. Now that the shed is all closed in, we can start to side it and make it look really nice. This is how my week/weekend went. I can’t wait to go to camp and just have a blast up there, camp is just a very relaxing spot.

Snowmobiling at camp is just icing on the top of it. We never know where we are going to be snowmobiling. One day it could be on a whole new trail than what we thought we were going down, and now were exploring a whole new place. There are always different experiments with riding. I love to just be out riding and feel the nice breeze. Just knowing that I’m the one that controls the snowmobile and I know how to drive it. Snowmobiling to me is like heaven. Snowmobiling is the best thing in the world, it’s my stress reliever. I go snowmobiling when I’m mad or even if I’m not, it’s just my happy place and it makes me feel good about myself. When you find a nice relaxing place you never wanna stop riding or just leave that place. This is how I am with snowmobiling, I never wanna stop riding. This winter really sucks for snowmobiling because there is not enough snow at all, and it makes me really mad. I don’t really like to travel 5 hours up north to ride because it will take almost a full day to get up there, and I’m not really in that mood to drive there.


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