TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


Has one ever noticed how sometimes life can throw these really awkward curve balls at you? I’ve found that self meditation is the best form of therapy. Self meditation is all over the world and can be seen in many different religions across the globe.  Among most people the Buddhist monks, use mediation daily to achieve ‘Nirvana” And no I do not mean the rock band from the 90’s, I mean full and total enlightenment these monks strive for personal inner peace, because the meaning of life to some, is to be completely and utterly happy. Enlightened to the point where not a single phase of this plant can make a difference. Fishing is my way of meditating. Anything to do with the outside really. Just the openness of the world, and all its glory. Seeing Gods creatures do what ever it takes to survive in the harshness people call the outside world reaches out to me. Being a part of nature is one way to reconnect with the values that life should offer. Now the physical act of fishing is to survive right?

Back before there was technology, harvesting fish for consumption was a simple way of life. Imagine what life consisted of before the light bulb. As we should all know the light bulb is the foundation of what modern technology revolves around even down to the little component. Give me an example of modern technology that did not involve a light bulb at some point. From manufacturing, to its own physical components, the light bulb was used in some way shape or form. What is something so primitive compared to that? Fishing. Fishing is one of the most primitive simplest way to connect to nature. How can one brutally fish? You can over fish a certain area, and cause extinction, but whats the main purpose of it all? Its to simply catch a fish. And catching a fish takes, primal instinct, luck and a mix of assorted lures. Technique is involved because there are some many different ways to catch a fish. One must not think when they fish. Cognitive though trains wont come, logical life ideas wont stem, but the only thing we have when we fish, is adrenaline, and the lust to survive. People used fishing as means to survive, and I feel like fishing, helps me survive because if people lived in times where they did not have anything I did or have, than i know with my resources I can live on.


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