TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

More Than Just A Barbecue.

This Memorial Day what did you do? Did you sit with your family out in the sun talking about all the great memories in years past? Did you tell them about how soon graduation is coming for us? Did you attend a parade or go to the beach? Whatever you did this Memorial Day did you stop to remember the lives of the men and women who gave their lives so that you may enjoy this day and every other day this year to do whatever you want without the fear of tyranny and oppression? I know I did, I think we’re at a point in society that many of us forget why we take this day off from work and school. Forget the immigrants who come to our country, they don’t need to know the meaning of this day I don’t care. The real home grown true blue American born citizens that’s what I’m talking about. I hope that we all can appreciate the ultimate sacrifice that is asked of our troops in times of need. In the trenches of Western Front during WW1, the beaches of the many islands of the Pacific during WW2 or any of the other countless battlefields upon which many of our veterans laid down their lives in service of our great nation. Whether you agree or not with war and the killing that comes with it, as a citizen of America we should all respect what our veterans current and former have done for us. We owe our very existence to their sacrifice and their memory in the toughest of odds. I am not saying that you have to get on your hands and knees and pray to their memory because of what they did, but at least give the respect that they deserve. When I see people on the streets talking down on the members of our armed forces, it confuses and enrages me that people who are so free to do so don’t understand without the people who they’re yelling at they wouldn’t even have that right possibly. As someone who is currently awaiting my own departure to Fort Benning, Georgia this summer to begin Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training (BCT and AIT). I cannot wait to serve my country and make sure everyone here can continue to enjoy their freedoms and rights as Americans; also while becoming a United States Army certified bad-ass. I hope that everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day Weekend and are ready for one final day of school before we take a last step into the real world.


Featured Image: Vietnam Memorial – BW by Henk Sijgers @ flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)


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