TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Sight Seeing

The planet earth. The glory of whom, is shared with every living thing. It is almost like everything that we own, is not actually ours. If you think about society, life has been simply taxed. Everything that we do or see will cost you money of some kind. Want food? You need to pay for it. You want new clothes, you need to pay for it. Nothing in life is free anymore. You have to work for what you have, and everyone just wants something new. We live in a generation where if something is broken we simply throw it away. Valuing anything anymore is a challenge for everyone. When I was in the sixth grade, my house burned down. This is a life lesson not many kids, or people for that matter will ever experience. One minute you could have everything that you have ever wanted, and the next it can be just taken away from you. This is a lesson on appreciation. Its not about the material things, but how much it can rip a family apart because of it. Being so materialistic and being caught up in society leaves people a life of sorrow and misery. Those big things in life where no person stops to actually appreciate it for what it actually is tends to get to people. It tends to make people very arrogant and self centered, to the point where they feel like world owes them everything.

But in reality you owe the world everything. Stop on the side of the road on your way home from work, or stop to see which directions the stream flows, and i promise you will appreciate life more. The little things that were here before we were created tend to tell a story. Sight seeing can literally be stepping out on your back porch and realizing that life has such a bigger purpose. Sight seeing is a way to reconnect to what life really has to offer. Simple necessities like air, water, food, and shelter can all be found by simply going outside. If the sanctity of a home keeps you from going on and realizing what is really important, there is a huge societal and personal issue there. If the physical dwelling in which you live creates a sense of “feeling at home” step outside for a minute. All that life has to offer, food, shelter, water, air, can all be found outside. Since life can be stripped from you at any moment, step outside and take a deep breath, all that you will need is right in front of you.

Featured Image: by Author


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