TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Rule #15: Flights of Fancy

Chapter 15 states “flight is free”. Freedom can symbolize many different things. It couldĀ be someone being freed from an enslavement or being spiritually free.

Examples: Superheroes (Spider-man, Batman, and Superman), Daedalus and Icarus, Song of Solomon, E.T., Nights at the Circus, A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings, Hearts and Lives of Men, A Portrait of an Artist as a You Man, The Wild Swans at Coole, Birches, Hamlet

An example would be in Peter Pan when Wendy flies to Neverland with her brothers and Peter Pan. After Wendy is sprinkled with pixie dust she is able to fly and she, her brothers and Peter Pan fly to Neverland a place in which no one grows old. This adventure of flying to Neverland takes Wendy away from her entering adulthood worries and keeps Peter Pan from ever having to enter the responsibilities of the real world.

Photo credit: Darwin Bell via / CC BY-NC


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1 Comment

  • sweeks17
    November 15, 2016 at 2:17 pm 

    Everything looks good, except I would include how at the end of the chapter, the “flights of fancy” allows readers to use their imaginations to take flight and be free of the limitations of regular life. I also really enjoy your example!
    Another example would be in Dumbo, where he gets teased about his big ears and gets put in the circus. Once he proves he can fly though, with his big ears, he flies over everyone at the circus and amazes them. He proves to himself that he can do amazing things and can now fly over everybody. He no longer has to worry about his big ears.

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