TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Rule #14: Yes, She’s a Christ Figure, Too

Chapter 14: Yes, She’s a Christ Figure, Too

Rule: Jesus can be in anything even in a story about a whore.

A character may have these Jesus like qualities but does not need all of them.

  • 33
  • Unmarried or celibate
  • Something that has to do with bread, fish, fisherman, and or wine
  • Comes back to life or is reborn again
  • Suffers some sort of great physical pain generally around the hand, hands, or wrist.
  • Has some group of followers they do not have to be loyal or helpful.
  • They die no always willingly but for a purpose suck as saving mankind.
  • You are kind and want to help others
  • Welcoming and willing to help others
  • Is tempted by evil desires
  • Likes the woods and connects with nature
  • Humble origins


Examples: Stories of Flannery  O’Conner, AC/DC, Love Medicine, The Bingo Palace

My Example:  My example is Harry Potter he has  many of these qualities. He lost his parents and was raised under the stairway. This is his humble origins. Then he almost was unable to fulfill his destiny because his uncle was mean this reminds of him being tracked down by the King Herold as baby. He has this scar which was inflicted on him by  this is his great pain and it is on his forehead. He is always fighting for what is right even when his own people turn on him. He even sometimes is willing to sacrifice himself so that his friends may live. His friends love him but Ron turned on him once this was just like when one of Jesus’ disciples who turned on him. He also in the movies is killed by Voldemort and rises from the grave to kill Voldemort. These events/characteristics make harry Potter a Jesus like figure.

Photo credit: Ethan Hurd via / CC BY-NC-SA



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1 Comment

  • mstrout17
    December 6, 2016 at 3:13 pm 

    Add to list: Carpenter, forgiving, arms outstretched, and humble transportation.
    Don’t need to literally follow in Jesus Christ’s footsteps for actions.
    More examples mentioned; Old Man and the Sea.

    My example is Aslan from Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Aslan has many Christ-like features, first, he has many followers or “disciples.” He is the guide to the human children so he’s good with children. He is considered the savior and King of Narnia. He also sacrificed himself to save Edmund, and he also comes back to life after the stone table (like the stone that rolled away) breaks.

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