TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

This Is Me

I love just spending a nice snowed in day watching people with amazing superpowers save the day, and wonder why some with these abilities can not come and melt all of the crazy snow away ( because let’s be honest solving sucks). It’s not like they can’t just melt all of the snow away, there are some that can melt the snow with their breath (Superman). Others can turn into fire themselves ( The Human Torch) or just with super speed and do all the solving the selves in a blink of an eye (The Flash, Superman and so many other people). I guess the point I am trying to avoid is that there are better things to do with my time then think about what is not real.

This was a problem for me for quite some time, I would spend to much time on thinking about what was not real or could never happen then getting things done ( this is all according to some people that we shall not name). These are things that were said to me by people that I care about. I don’t know about the rest of the people in the world but I like to try and keep these people happy as much as possible. One thing that I was told a lot that it was not lady like to be interested in these things ( grandmother), she would always take me out to get new things for my birthday and I would want the superhero thing as well as all the other geek things that might have been around as a kid, but I could not get them, that’s where the drawing came into play I knew that the girly things where not me and they were never going to be me so I took up drawing ( with drawing I was still drawing all the geeky things that I enjoyed.) I was like to different people one at home and then one with my family ( I spent a lot of time with my grandparents because we live right next door and I love to hang out with my grandfather). With them I never talked about super heroes, I would only draw things that I saw around their house, and I would never ever wear my awesome superman tee shirts, plain and simple shirts. Things were just different.

With time the superhero thing just kind of faded I stopped with all of it there was no shows or movies that I wanted to watch I had simple shirts and drawings became more of dogs and other animals. It was like a fade to other people around me I had focused more on school and doing what need to be done around the house. This what some people around me wanted, they wanted me to grow up a little. Over time of course this was boring to me I like superheros, I like to be a geek this is who I am and I gave up trying to be grown up. No one ever said that we as people had to grow up all the way almost everyone in the world stills like something that is childish, for me this would be superheros cause there are times in the world that the stress can be bad and this is a way to escape.  I went back to the things that I liked I wore my favorite shirts, I would draw things from all of the superheros shows that where on TV and the movies that had come out. Guess what, people got over it, I don’t know or they just gave in or they accepted that this is who I am and there is no need to change. I will never question things that I like because these are the things that make me who I am, and other people can’t change that about me.

Photo Credit: Author of Post


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