TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Staying with the Menace

Staying with art and writing was hard, but after realizing that I love them and that they’re what make me happy it really makes me feel better about staying with it. Though it’s a pain at times it’s still causes me to be happy. I met multiple mentors who helped me along the way.

Teachers have helped me along the way with keeping me motivated on staying with them. My writing inspired smiles and happiness is many of the mentors who have read the works I’ve done and it’s a great feeling to have. Seeing that teachers are enjoying the writing I’m putting out causes me to feel happier and want to continue with it. Staying with my writing was hard but seeing the effect it has on people when they read it makes me feel better about everything I’m doing.

Mentors that look at my drawings and compliment make me feel better about staying with my art. Art is hard to stay with because either someone else has done it or it’s not good enough. Continuing with it after compliments and friends saying they like my work is what keeps me going. School teachers really assisted me with my art because they know how to correct and or depict things that need to be fixed.

The menace would be one thing to call my interests or hobbies, because they’re tough but like any other person, when someone shows interest in the things I do, it makes me want to stay with it longer. Motivation by companions and mentors causes me to feel better about myself. Years of doing the things I love but putting it aside because someone said they didn’t like one thing or they said I should change the things I used to tell the story.

Teachers and friends are my mentors more than my own parents and family members because my family sees the same drawings and or reads the same things by me but someone who doesn’t really know me can tell me more on what they like. What they see should be here or there, and or said differently, because even as a friend or teacher they still don’t 100% know who I am. Sure teachers and friends can have closeness with one another but it’s the kind of unsure closeness that causes me to be better with them.

Mentors pushed me along to keep with my stuff and because of them, I’ve never drawn better or written at the pinnacle I’m at now. There’s always room to grow, but thanks to them, I’ve managed to keep with it all and make my works better and more improved to reflect me and say what I feel and think either by written words or images.


Photo Credits: : Iqbal Osman1 via / CC BY


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