I lived a particularly normal life as a very young child. I always tried new sports,
but when I started playing baseball, I fell in love. T-ball was a blast; I made lots of
friends and found out that I was naturally good at baseball. Even when I wasn’t outside
throwing the ball around I was watching baseball. I constantly tried to getter better at
baseball in little league when I was younger.
Throughout my childhood, I lived in separate households due to my parents’
divorce at a young age. This separation of family was the main motivation behind
getting better and finding a hobby I love. The pure enjoyment of the game also
motivated me to play more so that I wasn’t able to focus on the difference of my life
compared to others. My parents were very supportive over my baseball career and were
what motivated me to continue playing baseball.
With any sport comes second guessing. For the most part, I second guessed my
abilities to compete at the same level of competition as other kids my age. A the level of
competition increased, I sometimes felt that I was not good enough. Some of my main
struggles were hitting the baseball from faster pitchers, this was because I was not used
to seeing that speed coming towards me.