TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Life on the Farm

Ever since I was a little kid the farm has been a central part of my life. I can not remember when I first started going up to the farm, but it was before I could walk or talk, so it’s been quite a while. Of course with being on the farm from such an early age, the farm found me more than I found it. As a kid I would often would spend all my free time roaming around the farm and exploring. I would dig ditches and play in the mud for hours on end. The farm influenced me just as much as I influenced it.

One of my biggest motivators to get involved with the farm was my dad. He would always push me work with him and help him out. My father has been running the farm my entire life and he always wanted me to help out more. He would always show me how to do things, what to plant and how to plant it. How to use and maintain certain type of machinery. My dad always pushed my to more but it wasn’t always easy. He would show me how to do something and help get good. Often though it would be tasks he didn’t want to do and let me do it from there on out.

Farm work can be very difficult. Most of it is physical labor and it is always outside in the hot sun, so it challenges your body physically. One of the large challenges I face on the farm is more of a mental challenge though. While working on the farm may engage you body physically it often can’t engage you mentally because it is so repetitive. One of the greatest challenges is trying to keep the boredom away. Trying to keep your sanity while working on the farm.

Photo Credit: Author of Post


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