TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Progress With A Mentor

When I began weight lifting, it was very hard to commit to it and get into it full time, but once I did I was glad I did. I wouldn’t say that I got into it full time until after my first summer doing it, and I think it happened because after I spent enough time doing it, I got used to it and I started to like getting the pump every morning, and I started to really want to do it every day. Getting to be around friends every morning, and beginning to get better at sports, is always a good time and after a while, I really wanted to do it more often. That is when and how I got into lifting full time.

Along the way to that, I definitely received help from a mentor in doing so. I would say that the mentor that helped me the most on my way to getting into lifting full time would be Coach Wright. Coach Wright is the person who is in charge of opening up the weight room so people are able to lift, and he is also the offensive/defensive line coach for the football team, so he would end up in a situation where he was teaching me something new very often. He helped me understand new blocking schemes and learn new pass protection moves, and he would show me proper form for exercises and when to do which exercises for a more effective workout. Due to him teaching me so much about two of the things I care about most (football and lifting) I would definitely call Coach Wright one of my mentors.


Photo credit: The U.S. National Archives via / No known copyright restrictions


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