TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Escape To Create

Something that I have always been interested in and that has always been the thing to relax and motivate me, has been art. For as long as I could remember I have been interested in creative projects and things that involved me getting to use some of my skills. Drawing, painting, scratch work, etc. These things and more have been what I turn to when I become stressed or distracted. I have come to appreciate this hobby because of its simplicity and the positive effect it has on me; offering me a way to escape sometimes overwhelming situations. I do not believe that anyone needs to be skilled in the subject for it to benefit a person.

I don’t remember what it was like before my hobby, but I assume that I had trouble balancing things like stress and anxiety, since these are the things that drawing and painting helps me with today. My interest in this hobby came from those around me who I would see making elaborate sketches, fun designs and simple doodles on napkins and notebooks. At a young age I was exposed to art of all kinds and would frequently visit Monmouth theater with my mother. These are some of my fondest memories and the ones that bring me the most comfort.

I never cared a lot about how others reacted to my interest or the outcome of my drawings. I mostly draw for myself and almost often than not I am satisfied with the outcome. I don’t think that someone’s hobbies or interests should be judged by others or that someone should care what others think because an interest is something that is important to that person specifically and others may not feel the same way. A hobby is something that keeps you content and if another person were to put any negative input in, it would take away from the therapeutic nature of a hobby.
Photo credit: / CC0


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