TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Car Troubles

It was Friday after school on a cold winter day. When I say cold, I mean freezing. My boyfriend had a basketball game that night, but before he wanted to go get a haircut. I had nothing better to do so I joined along. First, we had to go to the store that we both worked at so that we could put in our schedules for the following week. We decided to take my car there while he left his at the high school. While we were there, my car had a hard time starting back up and my lights kept dimming out. I tried not to think too much into it and just drove back towards the high school. When we were almost there, my boyfriend and I were debating on whose car we should take into town. We are both very indecisive so when he wouldn’t give me an answer,  I decided to just keep driving even though I knew something was wrong with my car.
Everything was going great. He got his haircut and we still had plenty of time before his game so we were going to go to Mcdonalds to get something to eat before he had to play. We were on Center St. in Lewiston when it died. I had my heat on inside my car and it was freezing outside so my windows were getting foggy. I had a turn coming up so I started to roll my window down. That must have been the breaking point for my car because right then, it went dead and wouldn’t turn back on. It might not seem that bad, but keep in mind a few things. For one, it was winter; two, my window was now down; and three, we were in the middle of Center St. during rush hour. Cars were honking like crazy, people were yelling out of their windows, frustrated that I was blocking the road, but there was nothing I could do.
After our panic came to a null, I had my boyfriend get out and push the car as far to the side of the road as it could go (which wasn’t very far because of the snowbanks). I debated calling my step-dad to come help me, but I knew he would just find a reason to blame me for it. I was already upset and stressed out because I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to make the problem worse, so I continued being stubborn and called my friends instead. One of them came and brought her mom to help out. Neither of them really knew what they were doing and how they could help. We tried to jump the car, but we soon figured out that she couldn’t position her car in the way it needed to be. At this point, my boyfriend took charge and got in my friend’s car. He proceeded to go bumper to bumper with the cars and push mine down the side of the road until we were in a spot that we could put the cables on.
When the cars were front to front, I attached the cables and gave it a shot. Nothing. I kept trying time after time until I gave up. As this is all playing out, it’s getting closer and closer to the time of my boyfriends game. I decided that there was nothing else to do but to call my stepdad and hear what he had to say. I had my friend take my boyfriend to his game so he wasn’t late and then I waited. It was at least two hours before my stepdad showed up. I was sitting in my car the whole time, freezing and scared. People kept honking and yelling, some were nice enough to stop and ask if I needed help, others creepily opened my door without warning, and asked why I was just sitting there. By the time he showed up, I was crying and frozen.
It turned out to be my alternator that was broken, but that doesn’t matter anymore. The point is, that if I wouldn’t have been so stubborn and just admitted that we shouldn’t take my car, we would’ve never been put in that position. Mistakes happen all the time for different reasons. No matter what happened or whose fault it was, there’s always a way to learn from it. Sometimes it’s better to admit that you’re wrong at the beginning than having to deal with the outcome at the end.

Photo credit: Qole Pejorian via / CC BY


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  • msheehy18
    January 19, 2018 at 11:17 am 

    This is a really good story! I think I would have done the same thing if I was in your situation. Although, when your stepdad showed up what was his reaction?

  • kridley18
    January 23, 2018 at 6:38 pm 

    This is a great post, I really love the last line and the lesson you learned from your mistakes. I remember hearing you talk about the incident last year and I believe you describe it, as well as your feelings during the situation, well in this post. I understand the struggles of having car trouble and wanting to fix it yourself, especially where you didn’t want to face the repercussions from your step dad, despite it not being your fault. I feel that you really got your point across- that you have left the situation in the past and learned a lesson that will stick with you throughout time.

  • sdrew18
    January 24, 2018 at 9:06 pm 

    Wow, this is a really unfortunate event. I remember when this happened though! You called me to come rescue you! Unfortunately by the time I got your message, Britney and her mom were already on their way. Lucky for you you have a much better car that gives a lot less problems. Although your little white Volkswagen will be missed, rest in peace lil’ guy.

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