TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

5 year old adventures

All my life I have been known to hurt myself doing crazy things and things that you wouldn’t think you could get hurt doing. I was an active child and I was always on the move, the downside to that is I would always hurt myself doing simple things. No matter what I did, I would somehow get hurt in the process of starting or finishing the task. I always knew there was a possibility of getting hurt, but it leaves my mind whenever I’m having fun.
One of the times I got hurt was when we went camping. We had our RV in a campground we had been going to all of our lives. My sister and I were super excited to be there and to be able to go swimming, it was very hot that day. The RV was the only vehicle we brought, we didn’t plan on going anywhere else. We get to the campground, unpack all of our stuff, and head for the river where we brought our boogie boards and wanted to try them out.  We weren’t the smartest when it came to being safe because we thought we were invincible. Well turned out I wasn’t.
I was running on the rocks when I stepped on a slippery rock and fell on the rock right in front of it that was very sharp. I ended up cutting my knee open on it and having to go to the ER. The only thing running through my mind at that point is “Holy crap, I’m gonna lose my leg.” That’s the mind of a 5 year old.Thankfully the owner of the RV park let us use his truck to bring me to the ER where I got 4 stitches in my knee.
I learned the hard way that no one should ever run on rocks, especially ones that are slippery and have moss all over them. That experience showed me that I needed to be more careful even while i was having fun with my sister. We had thought we were invisible, turns out no one is truly invincible.






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1 Comment

  • mnelson18
    January 29, 2018 at 4:20 pm 

    You did a great job telling this story, and you made it easy to have an image of what was happening in that moment. I can relate because I have had my share of clumsy and wild accidents. Great job.

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