TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Not Perfect (But Still Trying)

Mistakes are bound to happen no matter what. It’s just a matter of how you decide to handle these various mistakes. My mistake? Constant procrastination on a lot of things, mainly when it comes to my school work. I suppose this could be viewed as I was just a lazy person in general, but in all honesty I just hated doing homework outside of school. It just seemed like a waste of time, especially when a good portion of your assignments pertain to things that basically useless knowledege and will never again be thought of after school is over. I guess you could also say I lacked motivation to do school work, which I would agree with. The importance of completing it for a grade was and is always clear to me, however it was never on the top of my priorities, in fact it’s always been pretty close to the bottom. Over the years the motivation to do homework diminshes greatly, and unfortunetly for myself, I fall victim to this.
My junior year of high school, AP Language and Composition. We had a 10+ page essay to write based off a comparison of two novels. The essay was due after the return of April break, much like the rest of the AP students I didn’t even start it, in fact I turned it in the night before grades closed in the spring semester. I spent hours working on this paper just to get credit for a class. I luckly finished the paper with only minutes left to turn it in. The paper was graded at a fairly decent grade considering the time frame it was written in. From this I knew it was a bad idea to brush it off, because in my case it came back to haunt me.
Although, people may see it as just one bad grade, and what’s the harm in that if it was a passing grade? Well, logically thinking about it, that one bad grade had a very heavy weight on my semester grade and not working to my highest potential caused me to get a lower grade when I am capable of a higher grade. The end of the semester grade was factored into my gpa, which I am now realizing is even more important than I had taken it to be before. A lot of time in general I put off much of my work, it unfortunately was not the last time I waited till the very last minute to do assignments. Which has had a big effect on my grades, and I’m now realizing my future too. I could easily have very high grades, but I lack the motivation to get there. Which in turn also effects my work ethic, which is soemthing I’ll need for the rest of my life. Hopefully it isn’t too late to change, and build a better ethic in time for college, because I’ll need it for sure.
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  • mcgervais18
    January 19, 2018 at 9:37 am 

    I like this because I definitely can relate to it and I feel like a lot of students in general can understand where you’re coming from. I know I could’ve had better grades but some of the work that is given to us, I feel like it’s pointless. I think when you get to college you will have more motivation for the work because in college, we are working towards something we want, so it’s more geared to us.

  • ahall18
    January 22, 2018 at 4:28 pm 

    I liked this because I too struggle with time management and procrastination. I liked the ending your ending except for the word “hopefully” because there DEFINITELY is time to change and get rid of bad habits to better yourself, think positively!

  • ofallon18
    January 23, 2018 at 5:24 pm 

    This piece is a good one as it is very relatable. The details of this article are what really make it if you ask me. To just say procrastinating is a mistake is something everyone can relate to and doesn’t push for that large of a message. To explain how waiting until the last minute to do a massive essay due earlier in the semester and how it put a dent in your grade for that class shows how bad procrastination can effect part of your high school career. It’s still very relatable even with this detailing.

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