TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Battle with a Toilet

Around 13 to 14 years ago, I not only made my own mistake and learned from it, but it was also somebody else’s mistake. I was about 4 years old and was playing outside at my childhood daycare during the summer with all of the other younger kids that went there. There was a playground and kiddie pools all around the outside of the daycare and there were kids all over playing on whatever they pleased. We had been outside all day and it was almost time for parents to start coming and picking up their children. Around that time I felt like I needed to use the bathroom. That was when my day got turned all the way upside down.

After going in the kiddie pools, kids and counselors were asked to wipe their feet on the towel in front of the door before walking inside to use the bathroom, so that the floors wouldn’t get too slippery and put the kids or anyone else at risk of being hurt. I made my way to the door and stopped at the towel and made sure to follow the counselors directions and dry my feet off. I then went to the bathroom which wasn’t very far from the door. Since I was very young, I wasn’t very observant of the water that was already on the bathroom floor by the toilet, so when I went to walk towards it I slipped and fell and smacked my chin off the toilet and it broke open and started to bleed everywhere. I don’t remember much after what happened, even the pain. They called my mom and told her that I had tried climbing on something and I fell off; just so they would not get in trouble for not paying attention to how slippery the floors were.

I never realized that they weren’t telling her the truth until a few years ago when my mom was telling the story. My mom rushed from work, picked me up and told me she was going to take me to the hospital. I didn’t realize how much pain I was experiencing until we were on our way to the hospital. I was very nervous because I didn’t want to get stitches. Which I ended up needing to get. Although she was upset that I got hurt, she was more upset with the counselors for not telling her the truth about what really happened, and having to hear a different story from her hurt 3-4 year old daughter.

Overall, the outcome of this accident had multiple people learning from this mistake. The children were no longer allowed to walk inside until they were completely dried off from head to toe, the daycare lost a customer because my mom took me out from going there anymore after learning that they lied to her about what happened, and I learned that I needed to be more careful and pay more attention to my surroundings. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have this gnarly scar on my chin from a battle with the toilet.

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  • gdumais18
    January 22, 2018 at 5:09 pm 

    this mistake story was a great example of how a small mistake can effect many people. learning the importance of being observant is a good lesson to learn, however i feel you were being a typical 3-4 year old and that that was a hard way to learn that lesson. I also am glad your mom took you out of the program because not only did they lie, they should never allow a 3-4 year old go into a house by themselves without supervision. i feel many mistakes were made that day and everyone is lucky things didn’t end up wore.

  • ofallon18
    January 23, 2018 at 5:33 pm 

    I found it interesting that you not only wrote about your mistake but the ones of others. I also enjoyed that it’s not just a scar but a gnarly* one. It is also a good set up of how you wrote the piece; the introduction to setting and the situation, the climax and main mistake of the story; the aftermath of the accident and then the conclusion. Well done.

  • cgauthier18
    January 24, 2018 at 11:43 am 

    I understand the pain that you went through with this. I fell when I was younger and had to get stitches in my knee because of it. It was something that looking back on today, I would never have put my self in the position to fall and hurt myself. You explain it really well and how scared you were because i remember feeling the same way.

  • adodge18
    January 28, 2018 at 9:45 pm 

    You did a very good job telling this story. Not only did it make me feel bad for you when you hit your face, but also it was humorous thinking about how all of this was caused by a toilet. This shows how one little mistake can cause a domino effect to so many more. Im curious though, which daycare did you go to that this happened?

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