TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Sticks and Stones Will Really Break Your Bones

When I was young, I chose to not listen to my parents. I was playing in the water when I received a scar that will never let me forget this mistake. I was around 6 or 7 years old. My camp is on Oak Pond, a small pond that could be mistaken as a lake. It is located in Skowhegan, Maine, where many of my mom’s sides relatives reside. Everyone is sitting around, relaxing and enjoying the beautiful summer day. There are many adults, but there are also many children too. As children were always told, “be careful on the stone walkway in the water, do not run on them or play, because you could either get bloodsuckers from standing there or because they are slippery from being in the water, you could slip and fall so be very careful.” All us children, we just ignored the command to be careful, we were just kids, of course we were going to be reckless and uncareful. But when the traumatic experience happened I then realized, I should have really listened to my mom and the other adults.

I was at my camp, a place I spent most of my time as a youngster. When I was ever bored, I would swim. How can a little kid resist swimming? All my cousins were playing in the water too, I had to jump in. I was always told to be careful on the hard walking stones that were placed in the water to keep swimmers feet from touching the murky bottom of the pond. Since the stones were placed into the water, they always became slippery, causing this accident that still leaves me with a scar.

I was running out of the water when I slipped on the slippery stones and caught my knee on the corner of one. I screamed out in pain. My father had to run to come pick me up and carry me out of the water. All the adults ran to me to see what they could do. One adult went and grabbed me a butterfly band aid. As soon as I looked down my heart dropped. I am not one for seeing blood, but this was even worse. So bad I saw the bone…I panicked. I could not stop crying. I should’ve probably gotten stitches but we all hoped the butterfly band aid would heal me. My mistake was not listening to my mom because if I had, I wouldn’t have the scar that I have today.

Mistakes, something everyone makes at least once in their life, if not everyday. Some can be major, life changing even, others may be small like forgetting to bring a pencil to class. In my life, I make mistakes almost everyday, it is close to impossible to not. Upon hearing this assignment, I thought of this mistake, worthy of writing about.  I wish I would have never made this mistake. Every time I think of this time, I cringe, going back to the fact I could see the bone. My mistake has taught me to listen to my mom a lot more so that accidents don’t happen like this one.



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  • rswan18
    January 21, 2018 at 11:11 pm 

    I have to say that this post is very relatable. There were many times as a child where I would try and push my luck. Most of the time it did not work in my favor. Parents always know best I suppose. Anyways, the fact that you were able to see bone after your accident makes my stomach turn and the fact that you didn’t pass out or anything is impressive.

  • rswan18
    January 21, 2018 at 11:11 pm 

    I have to say that this post is very relatable. There were many times as a child where I would try and push my luck. Most of the time it did not work in my favor. Parents always know best I suppose. Anyways, the fact that you were able to see bone after your accident makes my stomach turn and the fact that you didn’t pass out or anything is impressive.

  • rswan18
    January 21, 2018 at 11:11 pm 

    I have to say that this post is very relatable. There were many times as a child where I would try and push my luck. Most of the time it did not work in my favor. Parents always know best I suppose. Anyways, the fact that you were able to see bone after your accident makes my stomach turn and the fact that you didn’t pass out or anything is impressive.

  • sdrew18
    January 24, 2018 at 10:56 pm 

    Reading this passage made me think of the song from the Disney movie Tangled, “Mother Knows Best.” I think I can attest for everyone when I say that we’ve regretted listening to our mothers at one point or another. I am glad that this was a learning experience for you, and seeing exposed bone, as gross as it may have been, must have been pa little bit cool.

  • adodge18
    January 28, 2018 at 10:11 pm 

    I can also relate to this very much! I can’t even count how many times that I didn’t listen to my parents as a kid and I have lots of scars to show for it. Whether it was running in sandals, riding a bike too fast down a hill or just not paying attention when I should have. As kids we make so many mistakes without realizing it, but each one we learn something different from.

  • ltherrien18
    January 29, 2018 at 12:04 pm 

    Oh no! This must’ve been so scary! I am glad you are okay. 🙂 Listen to Kerry next time please.

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