TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Shadowed Memories

Death. Death always sneaks up on us at inconvenient times for us, it never happens when it is most convienent to yourself. Now a death of a close friend? That feeling is the most excruciating pain I have felt yet. You see I never have, or most likely will, become close with people; so when someone, or something, died it never really bothered me much. My closest friends have always been animals. My black lab dog was probably my closest friend I will ever have.
The weather has always seemed to control a small portion of my mood, this day it was pouring rain, the clouds were a dark and intimidating grey. It rained from the moment I woke up , till school had ended. I ran to the bus line and got on my bus. My bus ride was an hour torture. The entire ride home all I thought of was my dog. Depressing music was playing in my ear as the ride slowly came to an end.
Once I got home I was just starting to relax when my sister let out a murderous scream. I ran towards where she was and grabbed the phone off of our wall. Once I got to the front porch I saw my dog laying on it. She was coughing up, blood and thick fluids were dripping out of her mouth and nose. I called my mother and within 2 minutes of being on the phone with her my dog had passed with her head in my lap.
There were so many times that I hadn’t given her the appreciation she deserved. There been so many times I look back on the day and the years prior to it an regret them. Shadow was always there for me and I wish I treated her like royalty because that is what she truly deserved.


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1 Comment

  • rhoward18
    January 26, 2018 at 2:17 pm 

    It’s away’s horrible when an animal dies. When I was in middle school I was taking care of my very old cat. One morning Boots was shivering so I put a blanket or her and when I came home from school she died. So I can relate to this but I am also sorry this happened to you.

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