TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Wrongful Imprisonment of the Seniors

Who’s ever heard of a Halloween vacation? Not many people, but the students of Oak Hill High School got the joy of having this unplanned time off. To many seniors delight each morning or night we got news that there would be no school for another day. Seniors bragged and were overjoyed to not have to make up these days, it was like we got a free week pass from school that would not be made up at the end of the year.
Well, the jokes on the seniors. It’s been said everyone has to make up these days. A complete and utter outrage is what this is. What seniors ever make up days? I know I have never heard it actually happen. That wind and rain storm took us all by surprise. Many lost power from all the broken and fallen trees, branches, as well as whatever else had done damage. Almost every school gave students at least a day or two off. As if the suffering from the loss of wifi connection which is vital to our lives is gone, it was gone during a day we had no school. If that’s not bad enough, we actually have to make up the said vacation.
This world is sometimes very cruel. It gave us a blessing of a break from the most stressful and intense year (only for the seniors of course), a break that should have been a free one; not one that we would have to pay the consequences later. This is not as bad for the other students younger than us, they knew it was coming that they would have this cutting into their freedom. After all our years of school we looked forward and counted down the years pushing ourselves to the light at the end of the tunnel. Finally, we made it here, it was the year we wouldn’t have to make any snow days up. Instead they had different intetentions in mind for us all. They decided to make the seniors make up for these days as well as the rest of the students, which would have had to make it up anyways. They took away one of the few things we had to look forward to. It’s only 5 days, why make us make them up? The disappointment is surely felt by all of the senior class as we will be forced to attend days of school we were told to never worry about.The seniors fall victim to these cruel acts. Many are at fault for the wrong doing to the seniors, the weather, the school, the state, you name anyone and everyone and it’s their fault too.
The class of 2018 at Oak Hill High School will be wrongly imprisioned for days they are not supposed to make up. This world is a cruel place and unfortunately we are the prisoners the world decided to play tricks on this time.


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  • sduchesneau18
    December 21, 2017 at 11:26 am 

    i agree with what you are saying. These five days the seniors have to make up would not be made up if it was a snow day. I think they are doing this because it was five days in a row or something. If these days were snow days and not all at the same time I think we would’ve got them off. It it completely unfair for the seniors who have worked so hard and have been looking forward to not making up missed days.

  • lgarand18
    January 5, 2018 at 11:08 am 

    I agree with you on this. I do not think that it is very fair that we have to make up these days. Especially since it is not our fault that we had to miss that week of school because their was no power. There were also trees and power lines down so it was not safe for us to go out anyways. So I agree with you 100% that we should not have to make those days up.

  • cgauthier18
    January 16, 2018 at 11:48 am 

    I honestly agree with this 100%, we were always told as upcoming seniors that seniors never had to make up days and that we were going to have the year of our lives, but in reality it has been the most stressful and horrible year out of our high school experience. We shouldn’t have to make up those days because it was not our fault that we didn’t have those days, it was a safety concern that kept us home and the fact that trees were everywhere. We are being wrongfully imprisoned.

  • jahlberg18
    January 17, 2018 at 10:04 pm 

    I couldn’t have said this any better myself. Why should we have to make this up when we are the senior class. Every other senior class above us has gotten to get out earlier. The new rules within our school are getting stricter and stricter. The roads were poor, trees were down, and many of us had no power for at least a week. Why should we have to pay the price and go to school longer for the worlds cruelty?

  • ijuray18
    January 25, 2018 at 3:57 pm 

    PREEEEEEEECHHHHHH!!! Oh my god, we’ve been in school for 12+ years, we get a nice little vacation, a little extra time off. Nope!! I couldn’t agree with you more, we always admired the seniors when we were underclassmen, thinking about how they were going to get out of school in may and were stuck her making up days until July. How would you feel if we lost so many days we had to go back to school after graduation.

  • orose18
    January 27, 2018 at 3:43 pm 

    I agree only to an extent. Of course, it would be fantastic not to have to make up the days we missed due to the storm, but at the same time, why would we have to make up snow days then? They cancelled school because of unsafe travel conditions, which they do for snow storms as well. I understand that it’s two different scenarios, but they kind of tie together. You do make a valid point though.

  • nleclair18
    January 28, 2018 at 4:09 pm 

    I agree with this completely! Not only are we expected to make up those extra days, but we are also expected to complete all of our work by the original date. Nearly all of our assignments can only be accessed via the internet, yet when that resource is taken away, we are still expected to figure it out on our own.

  • aharris18
    January 29, 2018 at 11:02 am 

    I totally agree I do think that it is unfair that we have to make up those days, I really like how you organized your post by arguing from a funny perspective. Overall this is a really good post.

  • mnelson18
    January 29, 2018 at 9:51 pm 

    I can agree with this one. It really is unfair that we have to make up these days since we’re all ready to get out of here and don’t want to delay that any longer than we have to.

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