TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

My Escape from School

Leaving school without talking to the office. I was expecting to go on a field trip that day and when we were about to leave the teacher got a phone call saying it was canceled so we were told to go back to class. I had LRTC and I missed the bus to get there so me and my friend decided to leave without getting called out. We were at McDonald’s when I got a phone call from my mom telling me the principal wants me to be back for period 4 so I went back and took responsibility for my mistake.
My truck was getting worked on so I was getting a ride from a friend to school and back and when we got to school that day we were expecting to go on the trip we all got on the bus and were ready when the trip got canceled. At this time I already missed the first bus to LRTC. He didn’t want to stay for classes so he was going to leave. So I was thinking there goes my ride home today. I was told by the office there was a backup bus at the school to take us to LRTC so I was planning on going. I went to get my stuff and when I got to the door the bus was gone. I didn’t want to tell the office I missed the bus because I knew I was going to be put in study hall all day. I was also thinking they would think I missed it on purpose because it was there when they told me to get on it. When I found out the second LRTC bus was gone I was annoyed so I left with my friend right away after that. I didn’t really think about it I texted my LRTC teacher and told him I wouldn’t be there and I told my mom I was leaving so that was good enough for me. I decided to leave because I didn’t want to be stuck in a study hall all day and my only ride home was leaving.
After driving around for most of the school day I got a phone call from my mom saying that the principal wanted me back at school for period 4 and he wanted to talk to me. I had my friend bring me back. I talked to the principle and explained to him what happened and he gave me a detention so instead of arguing I served it the next day and got it over with. It wasn’t to bad because I got out of school for about 5 hours and I served a 2-hour detention. I learned it would have made it a lot easier to just get called out.

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  • dmiller18
    January 9, 2018 at 1:06 pm 

    Sometimes it is super hard not going on with LRTC as I feel that they do not tell our school enough so missing the bus or not knowing whats going on there happens a lot but you should have just called out!!

  • rperkins18
    January 24, 2018 at 2:31 pm 

    Interesting story. I remember this day, driving to Rumford turned out to be a wasted trip. But, at least we found your uncles property! But, I agree with Deja, next time we know to have mom call!

  • dmarcotte18
    January 26, 2018 at 11:30 am 

    I like how you included the detail on how you only got a 2 hour detention and missed 5 hours of school. How did you convince them to do that? Was it hard?

  • cstorerdonnell18
    January 26, 2018 at 2:24 pm 

    Like the story although it wasn´t the happiest of endings. I can understand why you didn´t want to stay in a study hall for all of that time. That would be a long day compared to going to lrtc to do what you like to do. But you’re right you should have just called out but hey you will know what to do next time!

  • kleonard18
    January 29, 2018 at 10:37 am 

    That is a tough struggle you had with all your bad timing. I’m hoping next time you’ll be able to make the bus or at least try to call out first. Other than that, it was a very good story and hopefully you got a few laughs out of it now, even though it was tough at the time.

  • klaberge18
    January 29, 2018 at 2:00 pm 

    I remember that day! the office got really mad at me for going home and they told me I shouldn’t leave just because the trip got cancelled. In all reality they were right, but I forgot all my school work at my house because I didn’t think that we would be going to class that day, I probably should’ve just asked my mom to bring my bag instead of asking to go home!

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