TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Jeans Must Never Be Put in the Dryer

“Ugh, Rylea, I accidentally put your jeans in the dryer!”  It was a surprisingly laid back night in the Swan household. I was in my room, per usual, my dad and brother were watching a Patriots game in the living room, and mom was folding laundry.Half way through her folding, she made the realization that she had mistakenly put my jeans in the dryer. When I was made aware of the mistake I went a little crazy, but I collected myself and tried them on and they fit, which made everything okay again.

It surprises me that something as simple as a laundry mistake could turn the whole house upside down. The house went from moderately calm to slightly chaotic in a matter of seconds. One second I’m in my room, doing who knows what, and then I’m walking briskly down the hallway hoping I won’t see my mom holding up my favorite pair of jeans. Thankfully she wasn’t, but I was still unimpressed by her mistake. If my mom would’ve been holding up my favorite pair of jeans, I probably would’ve cried, but that’s only because I’m dramatic and make a big deal out of everything.

Anyways, after accepting the fact that my pair of jeans may not fit anymore, I decided to try them on to find out. Me, being my care free self, changed right in the middle of the living room. Everyone was around, but that didn’t matter to me at the time. This was something that had to be done immediately! The jeans didn’t go on easily, but they fit me. They were just a little more snug, but they fit and that is all that mattered.

After my “show” in the middle of the living room, I discovered that, although they were a little more snug, the jeans were wearable. After that, I was able to forgive my mom for her mistake. Either way, I probably would’ve forgiven my mom, but I also would have been a little mad if I was down a pair of jeans. I wouldn’t have been mad for too long though because then I would have an excuse to get a new pair of pants.

What started as a potentially awful thing ended on a fairly good note. Luckily the jeans fit. Had my jeans not fit, I think I would’ve been pretty upset, but I would’ve gotten over it pretty quickly. Most likely nothing, but I have to add drama since I’m easily the most dramatic person in the family. Anyways, my mother made the simple mistake of putting something in the dryer that wasn’t supposed to go in it, but it didn’t end up that bad and I was able to forgive her for her mistake.

Photo credit: PhotoAtelier via / CC BY


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