TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Irrevocable Event

The world is a very big place, but no matter what we do it and mother natures actions are unstoppable. We can prepare and we can make our best predictions but in the end we cant control or stop its doings. There is many events that have happened over the years that have happened that we could only sit and watch it happen. We can only prepare so much but in the end for any event the earth may throw at us we can only hope for a good outcome. In late October and early November this past year I had my own altercation with the earths cruel actions, when we had that late fall storm with high southeast winds obliterated the building we put many hours of hard work into building. It caused a great deal of anguish for many people, that put many hours of hard work and effort into it as well.

There is no way to control the earths actions, and there is not way to avoid them either. The only thing we can do is prepare and hope for the best, and after a tragedy clean up and rebuild. Over time earth has destroyed many valuable things and places and has taken many lives.I can relate to the fact that the earths actions are inevitable, the storm came overnight with thousands of power outages and my grandfather having the only business with power, due to a big generator, we were working, and that was when we got the phone call. One of my grandfathers employees, who lives near by the site, had to make the phone call and it ruined the day for many of us. In the end, all we could do is mourn the loss then clean up the debris.

The earth, or rather mother nature, is inevitable, and there is no way to change it. Sure, my experience may not be as major as some others that have occurred but it was still devastating. The amount of money lost and belongings that the building destroyed on the way down were the real downfall of the whole situation. Not only does this show that the earth is cruel but it also shows just how powerful and impressive it is. The ways we witness how the earth performs and causes chaos is truly amazing and stunning. In the end, no matter what we do, we can not escape the destructive instincts of the earth.

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1 Comment

  • klaberge18
    January 29, 2018 at 1:54 pm 

    It is devastating to lose all the hard work that you guys had accomplished so far on that building. I drove by the rubble the next day and it’s unbelievable to think how strong the weather can truly be! You guys went through a lot in the days that followed and I send my best wishes.

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