TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

World against you?

You ever feel like the world hates you? Like you don´t deserve what life is handing you? I thought that the world was cruel and unfair to me when I was diagnosed with Chron’s, and was stuck in the hospital for two weeks. I was distraught  when I had zeros answers from the doctors and couldn´t leave the floor.
When I became sick, I started at St. Marys. They would just give me pain medicine though an IV and sent me home. I got labs done and they knew something was not right with the results. After a few doctor visits, my illness progressed. Immediately after I saw my gastroenterology, he admitted me to Maine Med.
I had to stay in the Pediatric unit not being 18, for two whole weeks. I just wanted to leave there, I couldn´t eat or drink for over half the time being there. They fed me though my IV. I was constantly woken up by doctors every few hours, I couldnt bend my arm because the IV would stop. I was miserable.
I went through many procedures while there, a ton of poking and proding, questions, and they finally told me what it was. I missed so much school and work. I had to then do summer school to catch up on the two weeks I missed and I had to leave my job until I got everything under control.
The overall meaning of the little story above was not to explain my life, but to inform how I grew from this. I figured I was never going to catch a break. I was so stressed with school along with not feeling good. I had to stop thinking negative. That’s what I did in the hospital, stopped thinking negative. Going through that I learned that there are things that will be thrown at you and you will have to achieve them. I wanted to give up in the hospital, I was so tired mentally and physically. I also realized who was there for me. My parents were there everyday, even if they had to work. My girlfriend came to Portland everyday but one, and my grandparents came when my parents had to work. Never look at the worst outcome, think positive and there won´t be a negative finish line.


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  • mcgervais18
    January 19, 2018 at 9:29 am 

    I really like this post because I can relate with the whole feeling like the world is against you. I also like this because I think it’s nice to have other people share some of their struggles. I also like how you talk about how you learned to think positive even when bad things are thrown at you. Is chrons something you will have to deal with the rest of your life?

  • bduchesneau18
    January 29, 2018 at 11:02 am 

    You’re right, once you start focusing more on the positives it is almost like everything is cured, somewhat at least. I bet once you found out you had crohns, you felt like your life was never going to be the same after that, but it can be, you just need to learn to move on from it, and manage with it. If you keep thinking about the good parts in life, everything will be better.

  • kleonard18
    March 9, 2018 at 3:12 pm 

    It was really amazing how in the end you were able to have a positive outlook on it. It is never easy when you felt like the world keeps hitting back to back with misfortune and it doesn’t seem to get better. It must have been very easy to just stay negative about the whole thing and stay bitter about it to this day. It was great that you had people who cared about you and came to visit you often. Having people who care about you makes tough times like that easier to get through. Was there anything else that made this time in your life easier to get through?

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