TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Are they really friends if they don’t have your back?

Friendship is a truly powerful thing. With friendship, age doesn’t matter. It’s all about the connection that you two feel together. Friends always have each other’s backs in time of need. There have been numerous times where I’ve had a friend or two help me out when I was in trouble.

One summer, about seven or eight years ago, I was staying with my Aunt and Uncle in downtown Lewiston for a couple weeks. I knew nobody around the neighborhood so I just kept to myself for a while. I had a little cousin that was there too. She was about two. I would always take her outside and walk around with her for a while. Then, I got more comfortable and eventually I was walking around on my own. Then I met this boy who was also named Owen. He was exactly my age too. Him and I became very close over the weeks I was staying there. The neighborhood was also a very Somali populated neighborhood. All the Somali children were a lot older than us. They didn’t like us at all, actually. One day, when I was out on my own, about 12 of them came out of their houses and circled around me in the middle of the street. They all started pushing me around, and each time I got spun around, I could see the glimmer of knives from their pockets. I got worried for my life. Keep in mind, I was only 10 or 11 years old and all this was running through my head.

My friend Owen noticed what was going on and he ran out of his house to come help me. He tried to break through them to get to me to back me up, but it was no use. They were a lot bigger than us, so him trying to get through them would be like a fly trying to push through a dog. Eventually, my Somalian friend, whose name is Fahad. He was a lot bigger than them, and he noticed what was going on. He walked down the road and told them all to leave me alone, and they never said a word to me for the rest of the time I was there.

Friends are the best gift that anyone could ask for. It doesn’t matter if they succeed in helping you if you’re in need, but it’s the thought that they want to help that counts. Owen was not able to help me, but he made great effort to try to. That’s what it means to be a true friend. Whether you have known them for 10 years, or 10 days, if there’s a connection, it’ll be strong and unbreakable.


Photo by kentclark333 on / CC BY-NC-ND


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  • jgauthier18
    January 26, 2018 at 5:28 pm 

    I agree that true friends will always have each others backs in a time of need. Anybody who would turn their back to somebody who needs help can’t be, and doesn’t deserve to be called a friend. Better to have one real friend who has your back than a thousand who don’t.

  • kdostie18
    January 26, 2018 at 8:21 pm 

    I can relate to this post because I value friendship over a lot of things. This is because I am a real one. Apparently so is your friend Owen because most 10 year olds wouldn’t have had the courage to stand up fro a friend, let alone themselves. But I am glad you have friends that are real who have your back like that.

  • nleclair18
    January 28, 2018 at 4:29 pm 

    I believe the same thing, that you should always have your friend’s back. When it comes to friendship, I think that if they help you succeed and steer you away from ruining your life, then they’re worth keeping. A good friend always looks out for your best interest. A true friend is not a friend, but family.

  • cwood18
    January 29, 2018 at 2:00 pm 

    I can only imagine the fear you felt while this was happening, I felt the fear while reading this. I’m glad that you had friends to help you avoid the absolute worst. It takes a lot of courage to stand up to people like they did.

  • rperkins18
    January 29, 2018 at 11:48 pm 

    Friendship is a very powerful thing. I remember a time when I was about 10 years old. My friend Leo and I would always play basket ball together, and pretend we were famous players on the Celtics. If your’e wondering, no neither of us will make the team when drafts come out. Leo and I are still friends today, and he knows I have his back, and I know he has mine.

  • smacdonald18
    February 19, 2018 at 9:59 am 

    The truest of friends always have a way of surprising us on how strong the connection is. Friends can fight, royally tick one another off and yet if you need them even at midnight they are always there for you no matter what.

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