TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Winter Wonderland?

The Earth can be cruel, especially around the holidays.
The earth has been cruel for many years. But for me is was cruel on December 25, 2012. My parents were divorced at this time and every Christmas was split for me. Twelve o’clock sharp I had to be at the other parent’s house. It was snowing out and making the roads whiter by the second. The roads were dangerous to be on even though I still had to switch houses. I had just finished Christmas with my father and I was getting my mothers presents together. I put the presents in the back seat next to my sister, closed the door and entered the car. Feeling the cold leather underneath me when I sat down. I could see my breath in the fridged air. My step mother started the car and we rolled out the drive way.
I didn’t know much about driving when I was younger. I knew as much as you would expect a twelve year old to know. I wasn’t paying attention to the car or how it was moving behind me. Staring out the window and letting the miles go past me like I wasn’t even there. Letting everything turn into a white blur. The road I live on is very curvy and gets slippery in the winter. We were just about to go around a big bend. The car was already sliding and there was nothing I could do about it. Knowing that I screamed because I thought I was going to die. I’ve never been in a car crash before. The trees were blurring together since we were spinning in circle. Then white snow obscuring my vision through the windshield. Feeling the blood pulsing through my veins. Then a flash of black.
When I woke up people were asking if I was okay. But the only thing I was thinking was my sister okay. When I saw that she was already out of the car I assessed the situation. We were off the road in a ditch, across Dumais, and DON’T touch the window. The tree looked like it could break through the window at any moment. A passing car stopped and helped us. They helped me out of the car and kept us warm until our ride came.
I was not able to get to my mothers house that day. We had to sit at home and think of how I could go over. Christmas was ruined, nobody felt joyful or happy. I unfortunately I grew perturbed whenever I was in a car when she is driving. I still am to this day. When I started learning how to drive the first the I learned was how to drive in the snow. Everyone should know how to drive carefully so their Christmas doesn’t get canceled.
Photo by sjrankin on / CC BY-NC


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  • rhunt18
    January 28, 2018 at 4:38 pm 

    I’ve never been in a car accident before. The only thing close to that would be when I was around 12 or 13, and I fell asleep in the back seat of my moms SUV. When I woke up, the car was at a tilt, and I realized that she slipped into a ditch, but nothing got ruined. It was just another normal night, and one of her friends pulled us out. The only thing we had to do was wait. So I can’t really say I know what you’re talking about, but the way that you described everything, I can even feel the cold leather. Thank you for sharing something like this, and I hope that your Christmas never gets ruined ever again.

  • sduchesneau18
    January 29, 2018 at 10:42 am 

    I have had a very similar experience to this last year on Christmas Eve. I was spending time with my dad because my parents are divorced too. My dad was driving me and my sister home from a family member’s house and going down the road my dads car was slipping and sliding on the ice. He had been trying to stop because a stop sign was coming up but he couldn’t so he ended up in a ditch, along with another person because that car hit the side of my dads car because he couldn’t stop.

  • tashe18
    January 31, 2018 at 2:36 pm 

    I’ve been in a few minor car accidents before, but none of them were all that bad. Usually the only thing to ever get hurt is the paint job on the car. Everybody I’ve talked to about accidents they’ve been in have had similar experiences, and all of them have said that they experience a period of blackness where they just blank out what’s happening and don’t come around until it’s all over. I can’t imagine what it would be like to experience that, and I hope I never do. Especially on Christmas!

  • smacdonald18
    February 19, 2018 at 10:07 am 

    From being in a car accident I can relate, although mine was due to my own fault not weather. I cannot imagine being that young and being in a car accident.

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