TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


There are a lot of times where I have exhibited resilience in my life and I’ll tell you about one time. resilience is defined as “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness”. For example, back in the day I used to be terrible at basketball and had no drive to get better because I thought I had it made. Like, I was so bad I couldn’t even do the basics like shoot from mid range or dribble between my legs. I tried out for the high school basketball team and I was cut from said team because “I wasn’t ready” to play in a high school sport at the time.

At first I was very upset, but then I decided to take responsibility and realize that setbacks like this are a part of life and should grow from this experience so I decided not to give up and had a drive to practive more. So what I did was I went out and practiced every night in the cold until my shot was ice cold and more accurate and then I practiced more and more and then even more every single night. Next, I practiced day and night on my dribbling skills until they were to where they needed to be and then even more. I practiced at least 6 hours every day, even during the wintertime. I used to practice moves and then use them in in game situations at the park.

I had such a drive to get better that I had asked my friend to make me a workout that pertains to the skills I need to succeed with doing leg raises jumping and bench presses to name a few. That same workout today, I do 3 times or more every week and then after I take protein to recover. I had practiced so frequently until my vertical increased from barely touching the net to being able to touch the rim, easily. I trained all day everyday and changed every aspect of my life to basketball just to become better at it and make myself a more serious player because of my determination and love for the game. Eventually, my hard work and perserverance paid off to the point where I could dribble a ball through and behind my legs with my eyes closed easily.

Every part of my game became better in all aspects and I went from being exposed to exposing everyone else, all day every day. I even got so good at defense that I blocked someone near the basket not once, but 5 times in one game. I was so resilient in my task that I went from zero to great in about a year and a half simply because of of all the hard work and determination I had put into my goal. I then overcame my oppression and tried out again despite all of the setbacks. This time I did great and I had made the team and now I had earned everyone’s respect. I had worked very hard and had achieved my goal.

Photo by slgckgc on / CC BY


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1 Comment

  • daiken18
    January 31, 2018 at 10:25 am 

    That had a very good overall message. If at first you don’t succeed then just keep trying and practicing and eventually you will get better at it just like you did with basketball. Thanks for sharing this, I believe that people could learn from this to get better at anything they want to get better at, it just takes time and effort.

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