TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

“Cruzin” For A Best Friend

I have learned in life that not only can your boyfriend be you know your boyfriend but he can also double and be there to be your best friend in a time of need and vise versa. Many times I have had friends back out on me or leave me in times like these. Gladly in times of struggle, Cruz has never left me stranded or alone and I do the same for him. Many times I have fallen and hurt myself, done something stupid, or been just flat out upset and Cruz was there to save the day! For Cruz, I am mostly there in times where he needs help with school work or needing someone else to be his brain for the minute. Cruz has always said that I am the loud outgoing one who gets him to do things and that he is the quite relaxed one who is there to help me not stress. I feel that together we are able to better each other and be there for one another in times of need. As one of the most confusing and scariest moments in my life was my concussion, if Cruz was not there to help me I have no idea what I would have done.
I had fallen super hard at Lost Valley during ski club and got a concussion. As it was a Thursday night my parents decided to go up to camp early for the weekend so that night so they were currently three hours away from me not knowing I would end up hurt. Cruz was not able to do ski club last year so I was snowboarding with my other friend Lindsey but there was only so much she could do to help me beyond Lost Valley since she could not drive me and my car home or take me to the doctors. When Mrs.Guimond told me to talk to ski patrol and they told me I had a concussion they agreed that I would not be able to drive myself home from the school when we got back. I was very nervous as I knew my parents were not around and my family does not live close enough to come get me in time. I decided to call my boyfriend and best friend Cruz. He did not pick up. So I decided to call everyone in his family hoping the could help me get home. Luckily he and his mom picked up the second time and said they were driving and did not see my calls. I could barely talk and explain what happened so Mrs.Guimond had to explain to them that I needed help. Luckily they were able to drive to the school together and Cruz would drive my car and I would ride with his mom. We pulled into the school and they were sitting there out in the cold waiting for me. Cruz helped me off the bus and then grabbed my stuff for me. His mom and he talked to Mrs.Guimond to ask what ski patrol said and if I was okay. They then decided to take me home. Cruz drove my car back to my house for me since I could not, while I just about died from confusion in his mom’s car. When I get home Cruz made my bed and made me some food and talked to me until a family member was able to come watch me for the night. Cruz made me feel like nothing was wrong and definitely did a good job keeping me calm because I kept getting scared that I was having a hard time making out words.
Anyone who knows Cruz as well as I do knows that he is a super smart kid but he gets very stressed out in school sometimes and starts to slow down on his work. I have helped him through many things and more serious things. I feel that I help him out the most with school. I hate seeing him stressed out so I am always happy to be there and help explain the work to him in better ways than teachers often do. Compared to my injury this seems very insignificant but in reality, I am helping him out so he can be his best self and graduate high school to become the person I know he can be!
Cruz and I help each other out every day with many different things and I am very lucky to have a relationship like that in my life. Small or big he is there to help me along the way and that what best friends are for. I will always be eternally grateful for my friendship with Cruz and his devotion to being the best friend he could possibly be and I plan to always be that person to him.
Photo by mrhayata on / CC BY-SA


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