TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Fractured relationship (And hand)

I’m generally a chill person who is hard to elicit emotion from. There was one day however when all that control seemed to fly out the door, and it brought pain to multiple people, and made me look like a fool in the process. Guess what? It was over a girl, not too surprising I’m sure. I started seeing this girl well into the fall of last year, the leaves were falling, everything was colored beautifully, life was pretty okay. It was all going fairly well, for about a week. Personal things happened that caused some fighting, but what comes after is the important part.

The fighting lead up to it’s climax during the Cross Country season, which I was a part of. Right before practice started I was talking to her, which naturally lead to an argument. This argument brought me to my breaking point, and I yelled, and punched a wall as hard as I possibly could. I’ll admit, it felt really damn good, for about two seconds. The outburst caused her to walk off on me and the entire Cross Country team to send some concerned looks my way. As soon as the adrenaline wore off I looked at my hand, my bloody, misshapen hand. It was at that moment I knew just how badly I screwed up, not to mention my hand now hurt like hell. My coach wasn’t too impressed, but fortunately had some understanding when I told him the situation. After cleaning my hand and wrapping it up I decided to go say sorry to the girl, I figured she deserved an apology.

Upon showing her my hand she yelled at me saying she needed time away from me, and walked away without another word. The anger in her voice filled filled me with anger of my own. In my mind at the time I saw it as her being mad at me over something that was her fault in the first place. As she walked away I yelled back at her, saying some words that were unnecessary. She turned around, glared, then kept on walking. After a conversation later that night we decided it was for the best to just break it off. I ended up going to the emergency room for my hand, and my parents weren’t too impressed, but they kind of understood. I’ve long since gotten over the situation itself, but the way I reacted have stuck with me as a reminder of how not to handle situations. Since then I’ve handled relationships with more care and less punching walls. (Results may vary)


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  • itremblay18
    May 18, 2018 at 2:18 pm 

    I like how much detail you include in this post. You make the reader picture what is happening in the story in their head and it really helps understand the whole situation. I hope that this girl was able to get over it eventually.

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