TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Friends are Important

Having friends there for you is such an important part of life. Friends are supposed to be there for you when you need them, regardless of the situation. Friends are the ones that you can go to when you’re in trouble, need advice, or just someone to talk to. Friends are everything.

I can’t think of a specific time that a friend helped me that was more significant than all the other times, but I can think of a specific friend who has helped me through some of the hardest times in my life. The past year of my life was extremely hard for me, I went through a lot of things that I never imagined would’ve happened to me. I lost 4 family members within a span of 11 months. Through each one of these losses, my best friend was there for me. Whether it was attending the services with me, letting me cry on his shoulder, or coming to pick me up from the hospital, I knew that I could count on him. The worst one of these losses happened when I was at work, I didn’t know that it had happened and there was no way that I could’ve expected it. When I got out of work that night, my best friend was waiting in his car outside. I knew something was up and when he told me the news, I was a mess. We just sat there for what felt like an eternity until I was ready to go home and face reality. He knew that I wouldn’t be able to handle the news on my own, so he came to be the first to tell me and to comfort me when I needed it the most. In my worst moments, my best friend was there for me and for that I would never be able to thank him enough.

In return, I try to be the best friend that I could be. Not only to that specific friend, but to them all. A big way that I help my friends is with school work. When it comes to math, all my friends tend to come to me for help and I rarely say no. I enjoy doing math so it’s never a big deal, getting to help out a friend is just a plus. One time, my friend was running out of time with the semester ending but he still had a pile of math to get done in order to pass. We sat at my table for 7 hours doing math, and that is not an exaggeration. We broke occasionally for a snack break or just to stretch, but other than that we on a roll. Packet after packet was getting done and you could see the weight lift off of his shoulders after each one. Not only was it a relief for him, but it also made me feel good being able to help in that situation.

Similarly, there was a time that my friend was falling behind in English. Like before, time was running out in the semester and the work just needed to get done. I was determined to help him finish. I made him download Skype on his laptop and we stayed on video chat till 1 am finishing all the essays that he had to write. I didn’t do the work, but I was there doing anything I could. If he had a question, I would do my best to answer it. If he got distracted, I would keep him focused and on task. He finished almost all the work he had to that night and was then in a great position to get everything done in time.

Without friends, life would be boring. You wouldn’t have anyone to talk to, hang out with, get advice from, or get help from. An important part of being a friend is being there when you’re needed, no matter the situation. Homework isn’t always the most fun thing in the world, but if a friend needs the help, then it is important to be there for them and make sure it gets done. Being a friend is a huge role to try and uphold, if you can be successful then that is a great achievement.

Photo by appropos on / CC BY-NC-ND


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