TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

I’ll Never Have A Truck Like My Dad’s Truck.

When I was younger I wanted to help my father cut and stack the wood in the bed of his truck so I backed it up and accidentally hit the bush in our yard, not only did I kill part of the bush but I also dented his truck pretty bad. when I was a young lad at the age of fourteen, my father told me ¨It would be really nice of you to cut and stack the wood in the back of my truck while your mother and I are gone.¨ I though this was fine, I didn’t have anything planned for the day. Plus doing the wood meant I got to move his truck, which I always loved doing. I waited till my show was over and I went out to back the truck up by the woodpile outback. He had parked at an awkward angle, but it didn’t stop me from feeling like I could back it up easily i´ve always backed up my moms minivan so whats the difference? I put it in reverse and backed up, when suddenly I heard a loud noise of the truck brushing up against the bush in our front yard. ¨its fine¨ I thought, ¨its only a bush it wont do any harm.¨ I didn’t understand is my dads big F-350 4 door was a little bigger than my moms minivan, so the more I tried to turn the truck, the deeper I found myself in the bush, and I just could not figure out how to back it up correctly for the life of me, until finally I just forced it through and got it to point B. The next day when I got home from school my father was sitting outside looking at his truck, ¨Kyle, Why the **** is the side of my truck completely dented?!¨ He worked at a garage and his truck had always taken a beating, so I tried to play it off ¨Dad you probably did it at work without even noticing.¨ I told him. He looked at me with that look, you know the one, when they know they got you and they are just waiting for you to tell them. ¨Hm, Maybe. But if that´s the case, why is the whole outside of the bush dead!¨ he exclaimed gesturing to the front yard. I looked over and noticed I had butchered the bush, the whole side was dead limbs on the ground! I didn´t know what to say so I just looked at him.

¨I know you did it, just remember that you´re not driving my truck for a long long time.¨ And he stood by his word, I didn’t drive his truck again until I was seventeen when he let me drive it while he was at work, seeing how he carpooled to BIW with our neighbor. I drove it everyday for a month and loved every gas guzzling moment until December when I rolled it off the road during a snow storm and was lucky to not total the truck and not be hurt beyond a decent concussion. Later that night once I was out of the hospital I heard that line from a couple years ago, one more time ¨ Just remember that you are not driving my truck for a long long time.¨

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1 Comment

  • jblack18
    March 12, 2018 at 10:14 am 

    Sometimes just coming out and telling the truth in the first place can save you a lot of trouble. of course this situation would probably have the same outcome either way but it is still always good to just admit that you messed up than trying to cover it.

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