TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Pink Bottle

 I saw the bottle. It was pink and difficult to open. When it went down it was thick and creamy. No one is around me in the living room. The substance did not taste all that bad so I continued drinking until the bottle was completely empty. The next thing I know is my parents are rushing me into the car and we drive off from home.  I was too young to realize that you in fact, should not drink an entire bottle of Tylenol. I quickly found out I had made a huge mistake. I was rushed into a hospital room; this is when I knew I had made a mistake. The room was a small, rectangular area with four white walls surrounding me. I was not scared, but confused. My dad had to stay in the room with me while my mom outside with my brother. I do not recall how their reactions were, but I’d assume they were quite worried. I myself do not recall exactly everything about that day due to it being so long ago, but I remember from the stories I am told about it by my family.
The small pink bottle way too appetizing to not drink it…unfortunately, this however resulted in my five year old self getting held down on a hospital bed while I had my stomach pumped out by nurses for hours on end, all night, every few hours. I do not believe this was a situation that took ‘recovery time’, after I left the hospital I was okay, most likely just fatigue. After this experience I wouldn’t say much changed in my household due to the fact the medicine I drank was misplaced by someone who does not live in my home. How this happened is my neighbor borrowed the Tylenol, brought it back to our home, and not thinking, left it in the reach of a small child without informing my parents that she had brought it back…and of course a five year old is going to go straight to the colorful new object in their living room. This day is one I will forever remember, with them help of my family teasing me / reminding me. Whenever a family member is in need of medicine, the “remember when you drank a whole bottle of Tylenol?” comes up. Although this awesome, (suppose to be) non-threatening pink liquid was delicious to my child-self, the aftermath I found out certainly was not. I learned from this mistake to never drink anything that I did not know what it was, and never trust a bottle that is difficult to open.
Photo by FeeBeeDee on / CC BY


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