TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Love of Best Friends

Friends are meant to be there for each other and being there can mean just sitting and listening, or talking to someone about nonsense, or even pushing them to do something they never thought they would do. I never thought I would come out of my shell and be able to live a life I couldn’t even imagine. Sarah needed help to get around when she was hurt and she has always called on me to help her. being best friends means helping each other through tough times and fun times, and me and Sarah have been through these times.

My best friend Sarah has always been there for me when I need her most. When I’m upset and crying, blubbering and not making sense, or even when I’m just sad for no apparent reason. She has been with me through the good and the bad and she has always helped me through everything. The thing she has helped me most with though, is to experience life as it is, like I never have before, and for showing me how great life can be, I will forever be eternally grateful to her. She brought me to Connecticut, the farthest I have ever traveled, and has pushed me to get over my fears. although mad at her one time because she forced me on a roller coaster, I was grateful in the end I had such an amazing friend who did everything she could to help me be a better me and to get over my fears, and help me be less afraid of being myself and exploring the world and life.

I have helped Sarah through times when she needed a friend to lean on to help her carry her books, or push her around when she was physically broken. She had a surgery at one point over summer between sophomore and Junior years of high school and she was on some pain killers to help her manage the pain of having her foot cut open. Her mother had some errands to run and Sarah wasn’t allowed to be alone while on her medication, so her mother asked me if I would mind staying with Sarah to help her with whatever she needed and just to watch and make sure she was okay. Of course I was excited, we hadn’t hung out much that summer and I missed her. I went over and we had a lot of fun, gossiping and talking. Trying to figure out what the school year would be like and just being our usual weird selves. I helped her through the pain of being stuck in a wheelchair and got her to have some fun and be able to get back to her usual bubbly self. I helped her take her mind off the bummer that was turning out to be her summer because of a surgery she had to have and because she has always been there for me, helping her has been worth every second of it.

Even though it doesn’t seem it, a little help or push can go a long way in anyone’s life. While me and Sarah have helped each other in many ways, we have always been there for each other when we were hurting, whether physically or mentally, we have always stood by each others sides and never wavered.


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