TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Trials and Tribulations

In “Unbroken” Kendra Cherry says that a resilient person understands that setbacks are a part of life. I found that to be the most important part of this essay because if you learn and accept that setbacks are a part of life, you can find solutions for the problem instead of focusing on how unfair it is. While others spend countless hours on how unfair something is, resilient people will accept that this is how things is and they find a way to overcome their challenges and make a better life for themselves.
While my experiences with resilience have been few and far between, my best friend has shown time and time again that she is resilient because she accepts things as they come to her. No matter how many surgeries she has or how many bones she breaks, she accepts that it has happened and focuses on getting better and fixing the problem. While having been broken many times, she has suck with doctors and their recommendations and went through physical therapy, sat through sports and other things she would much rather have been doing.
Accepting things as they come is not easy, and I admire resilient people as they have a skill that I wish I could develop. Sarah has been through difficult times, from the moment she was born she has had 10 surgeries, broken her elbow twice, dislocated her hip, and has had many other issues she has had to overcome. Despite all of this, she has become a cheerleader, held a job, and she works hard to get her schoolwork done. She has shown that a resilient person accepts the hand they are dealt and they turn it into a positive experience. She is the most resilient person I know as she has suffered countless setbacks, but has worked extremely hard to overcome all of them.
Even through all of these trials and tribulations she has listened to her doctors and done everything she could do to get better. She has also continuously stayed positive through everything. My best friend accepts things as they come and deals with them with a sense of confidence and focus that I can only dream of having, she is my inspiration and I hope I can become as resilient as her one day. being resilient means so much more than surviving a tragedy, it is coming out on the other side stronger than you went into things.
Photo by OwenBlacker on / CC BY-NC


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