TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Accidents Happen

You ever do something someone told you not to do and then you do it? Like don’t touch that red button? Well that’s what we have here, billy doesn’t like to play by the rules, billy doesn’t like to listen to anyone but himself, he doesn’t care about other people only himself, hes selfish. Billy Willy just turned 16 today, he had his big license test at 7 o’clock before the second year of high school starts today. Billy’s mom drive him to the DMV where he is schedule to take his test, without any hesitation billy hops in the car and drives off. Billy comes back with a huge smile on his face, with having his license billy has to accept responsibility now, but billy doesn’t want to grow up just yet. Billy is a long skinny punk, and he finally just got his license, billy knows that its a big responsibility but he doesn’t care, all he is looking for is to be cool with his friends. One day Billy and his friends were going to a patriots football game in Massachusetts and Billy was going to drive because he was the only one who had their license at the time. Before Billy left, his mom told him to be safe and don’t drive like an idiot. So Billy said “okay” and then went off to go pick up four of his friends who couldn’t wait to go to the game. After Billy picked up his friends to go to the game the got on the interstate and Billy said “hey guys want to see how fast this car can go”. His friends told him no but he didn’t listen to them and made a huge mistake by hammering on the gas peddle and watching his speedometer increase all they way up to 120 mph. Billy lost control of the car he starts to panic and lets go of the wheel, while the car is spinning out of control billy’s friends Ryan and Austin are in the back screaming for there life, they don’t want to die. Billy’s car is a nice Dodge Avenger. The car hits a patch of loose gravel and slides and hits a tree going 120, the car wraps around the tree and falls into a ditch. Billy and his friends died that day and didn’t even get to see the game because Billy was too stubborn to listen to his mom and his friends and the lesson that billy shows others is listen to what people are telling you. Most of the time they are trying to help you out so you’re not harming yourself or others around you. Next time your mom lets you out with your friends, remember to be safe and drive with caution.


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