TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Bad Luck Hurricane

In August of 2017, the earth was very cruel to the people of Texas, including my family; one of the most catastrophic tropical hurricanes hit the earth. Hurricane Harvey struck the Texas Gulf Coast in August, leaving large amounts of people and families homeless or costing them a lot of money for repairs. The earth was very cruel to the people of Texas, including my family members.
We never realize how disastrous storms could turn out, or how life changing they can be. This hurricane just started off as a wave coming from the west coast of Africa. Once Harvey hit Texas it was at a category 4 storm. A category 4 storm consists of wind speeds from 131 mph to 155 mph, and causes great damage to properties, humans and animals. As this storm was ripping through Texas, it destroyed hundreds of thousands structures and vehicles. Once the storm started slowing down, the rain still came down in the state and caused major floods and lead to a large number of power outages.
I have family members that live in Texas and I remember them being very worried for the storm to come. The humorous part about it was my cousin said she was having a bad day and got home and just started throwing things and swearing up and down her house, and then a few days later they get the news about hurricane Harvey coming their way. They decided not to evacuate but their house did have some flooding. As Leonard Pitts wrote, “We are hamstrung by our own limitations, so we can only do what we always do, only send prayers and help.” Thankfully they did not have much damage done to their home, just a few minor fixes and some power outages for a few days.
Overall, I think the earth has always been cruel. Since I didn’t really experience this first hand, I still think that people can take away how dangerous hurricanes really can be and that maybe it can help people understand the severity of preparing for a hurricane like that. No matter how big or small something can be, it always happens to people differently and always impacts people’s lives differently.
Photo onĀ


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