TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


Louie, Phil, and Mac all remained calm in the face of a hideous disaster that occurred while they were traveling by plane over the ocean. Louie knew that during this disaster he had to remain calm as well as keep the other two survivors calm and secure. Louie did this through his strong awareness, problem solving skills, and understanding of life. Although Louie would probably wish that he was not in this horrible situation, he was and he had accepted the fact that their was no easy way out. Louie’s awareness of the tragic event around him allows him to act quickly and help out the other two survivors. The first step he took that made me realize this guy was aware was when he went after the raft that he knew his friend desperately needed. Going after the raft and pulling it back in to him by the cord that it left behind allows me to see that Louie has some good problem solving skills. Pulling in the raft was just the first of many problems that Louie solved during this event in his life. Louie realized that Phil, one of the survivors needed to be aided quickly due to his head injury. Louie remembered things that he had learned during his boyhood and fixed up Phil enough so that he would stop bleeding until they were helped. Lastly Louie remained calm during this entire days worth of events because he had a great understanding of life and he knew that life was hard. Louie accepted the fact that people are always challenged by things that life throws at them and he decided to stay calm and fix these challenges. I can also make a connection to Louie’s experience just not as dramatic. It was they day after a snow storm and the roads were pretty nasty, so I was on my way to school and to get there I have to go over a decent size hill and on my way down there was two cars going about 5 miles per hour and I did not realize that until I was almost right behind them. I went to go step on my brakes and started to slide towards the back of the car. So when I realized I was not going to stop unless I hit something I just turned my wheel to the right and put my car into the snow bank. I don’t know about anyone else but that snow banks insurance bill was not going to be as expensive as the SUV that was in the line of fire. I’d say that I have some pretty good problem solving skills and resiliance for not panicing and just hittting the car because my car had no damage and it most likely would have caused some damage from hitting the car. If Louie had not been given the amazing characteristic of resiliance he would not have been able to survive those hard days out at sea and same with me I Would have and to pay a lot of money for repairs for hitting that car.


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