TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Oak Hills Water Problem

We had just come back from Christmas break to find out that Oak Hills water supply was low and because of that students were released at 12:15 and we had to leave at 12:15 we did not have the option to stay after. We kept getting surprised with half days for a couple weeks. Oak hills water problem put me behind in my classes. I did like all the half days we were having but the more we had the more behind I got then it became a problem. If this would of happened at the beginning of the year it would not have been a big deal because I would have had the time to recover. On LRTC days we went to LRTC like a normal day because Lewiston doesn’t have half days and when we got back to oak hill we ate and left after that without having period 4. So I was missing that class. I was already behind in government and politics and the I had to miss a bunch of classes so I had no idea when I was supposed to be. The reason I missed so many classes was because Lewiston was running off a regular schedule and by the time we got back from LRTC the school day for Oak Hill was almost over. Staying after school was no longer an option so I was stuck.
The earth is cruel because I was mentally preparing myself over Christmas break to come back to school and stay after and bust out all my work then we got the water problem so it ruined my plans. I was happy at first but then I got stressed out when I realized that the half days kept coming and I was getting more and more behind and I had no idea what was going on in my Government and politics class because I kept missing them. I guess you could say that I should be doing work at home but I do not focus well at home I am much more productive when I am in the school and have a teacher to guide me. I missed so much class time for Government and Politics I didn’t know how to do the work even if I wanted to. Now that the water problem is solved I can start staying after and getting stuff done.


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  • spinard18
    January 31, 2018 at 11:43 am 

    I completely see where you are coming from! All of us here are probably feeling the same way. I enjoy that you discussed a problem that is common to all of us. It may help you to use shorter sentences, or break your sentences up a little, other than that you explained what was going on very well. Keep up the good work!

  • bmichaud18
    February 1, 2018 at 1:27 pm 

    i love how you used a topic that every single one of us can relate to. i Think we all can relate to the inconvenience of the school not letting us stay after and making it that much harder to stay on pace.

  • dbailey18
    February 1, 2018 at 2:25 pm 

    I could not agree with you more! I’m glad we are on the same page. I was also planning to get all my work done after break but like you said the problem prevented that from happening so now I’m in the same boat as you trying to get caught up. Great piece keep up the good work!

  • cpoirier18
    February 2, 2018 at 3:46 pm 

    I can definitely relate to you feeling stressed out about all the half days, I too was happy at first when we had half days but then they just kept coming and I didn’t have enough time to get my work done in my classes. It was the worst in math especially when I was trying to get my quizzes and tests done.

  • dgreenleaf18
    February 12, 2018 at 11:16 am 

    I completely get where your coming from, I was in the same vote and am now able to complete my work while in the class because we are not getting out at 12.

  • barsenault18
    February 15, 2018 at 3:43 pm 

    I understand completely where you are coming from. I think everyone here can agree that we all became gradually behind. I was falling behind heavily in math cause we didn’t get a chance to get far into classes and quizzes. And the teachers had it hard too having to shrink 90 min classes to about 30 min.

  • tdesmarais18
    February 21, 2018 at 12:02 pm 

    I might not go to LRTC, but I do remember wanting to stay after to get work done. I was also getting myself mentally prepared to get school work done after school, but because of the water problems none of us could stay after for school work.

  • bharlow18
    May 25, 2018 at 7:55 am 

    I totally agree with everything you said, it is pretty annoying to get work in and stay on pace when we keep having these misfortunes which make its hard for us students that need help, but can’t get it because we cant stay after school, now we could have brought our own water but i don’t understand why we couldn’t if we wanted to do work in the afternoon.

  • kyoung18
    May 25, 2018 at 10:23 am 

    @bharlow18 I agree with what you said about bringing our own water had we wanted to stay after. But, really, all of us probably should have done the work that we could over vacation instead of putting it off until after. If we had done what we could beforehand then it would have made it a lot easier for all of us.

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