TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Rest in Peace Senior Soccer Season

     As I take my cleats off at the end of practice I reflect on my performance and my team’s performance. I reflect back on the positives and negatives experienced during our practice. But most importantly, I reflect on all the laughs that were shared. Not once taking into consideration that there is one less practice left of the season then there was when I walked onto the field two hours previous. Unfortunately, the clock never stops ticking, and as much as I wish I could, I can’t freeze time. The cruel world keeps rotating day in and day out, whether or not you are ready for it or not. The Earth is cruel in a variety of different ways. One time in particular when I felt the world was the most cruel to me was when it brought my senior soccer season to a sudden end. Every second and every aspect of my season filled my heart with happiness, and all I have left of it are memories that will be cherished for a lifetime. Why did it have to end so quickly? Where does the time go?
     Memories that soccer season has allowed me to cherish for a lifetime consist of every single bus ride to and from our away-games. In the back of the bus mostly sat seniors and juniors, then closer to the middle were the sophomores, then in the front, seemingly separated from the rest of us, were the freshmen. The freshmen were so quiet and reserved, while the upperclassmen were a rowdy bunch. I would always sit with Anna Dodge, every single bus ride. After the game, we really enjoyed our celebratory rides home. We would play the “Sound Game.” A game that was invented by Anna, Britney, and I, a couple years ago, and when we shared the game with the team it was a huge hit. This game brought our team together, a bond so tight tight that no other Oak Hill sports team would ever compare to the team chemistry that Oak Hill Lady Raiders once had. This game would have us laughing at each other to the point where tears streamed from our eyes and our throats would be sore. I like to think that this game kept our hearts and souls young while it also distracted us from all the stress in our lives. Most importantly, it distracted our minds from the fact that we had one less bus ride together until our season came to a cruel and abrupt end.
     Never take a second for granted. Now that my senior soccer season is over, I want nothing more than to relive it, but it is simply impossible. All I have left are memories, and it saddens me to reminisce. I truly feel that the world is doing me an injustice. Why would it take something so positive in my life and end it? For the rest of my life, I will wish to relive an endless soccer season with my team of wonderful ladies. The friendships, the games, the inside jokes, the wins and losses, and the constant happiness that this team brought me is over. In college I’ll have to start over, and to be quite honest I am scared. I will spend the rest of my soccer days reminiscing the team that Oak Hill once had, that I once played for. If soccer season didn’t have to end this year, I wouldn’t have to start all over in college. I wish the world wasn’t so cruel, that way the memories would constantly be made, rather than constantly reminisced and reflected upon.
Photo by Mink on / CC BY-NC-SA


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