TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Rule #1 In Life: Listen To Your Mom

Listening to your mom can, in fact, safe your life at times. Even though you may think that things they say are dumb, and since your’s a stubborn teenager you think you can do what you want. Well, that isn’t always the best decision. Your mom knows you and how you act when your’e feeling a certain way, and just when something isn’t right more than anyone else.

Last may, it was another rough day at school where everything seemed to be going wrong and I just wanted everything I had to deal with that day to be over, and I was not in the mood to argue with my mom and my sister. I had planned to go to my friends house that night, but after school got out my sister and I had to go to a doctors appointment before I could leave and go. The appointment was taking longer than usual and I was starting to get anxious and annoyed because I just wanted to go to my friends house. My mom was being a typical parent, talking and talking forever and dragging conversations on, wasting more of my time. My mom and I started arguing because I just wanted to leave and get home so that I could go, and she wasn’t in any rush at all. By the time we got home I was getting ready to rush out of the house but my mom stopped me and said that she thinks it would be best if I didn’t go, because I had already had a rough day and she didn’t want me driving 30 minutes away at night in that unfocused, anxious, chaotic state of mind I had been in all day.

This had made me even more mad and I just grabbed the keys, ran out of the house, got in my car and started driving, and my mother already done with me for the day, just let me go to prevent more arguing. About 20 minutes later is when I learned the lesson that I should always listen to my mom, because she knows what is best for me. I was driving and my mind was all over the place and not focused on my driving, but more on how frustrated I was with everything that happened in that day, and how I just wanted to get to my friends house quicker because I was already running late. The next thing I know, I feel the wheels of my car rumbling on the side of the road, and it felt like I was sleeping and that feeling had woken me up. This scared me because I was starting to go off the road, and my first instinct was just to turn my wheel back onto the road, but I over corrected and lost control. This occurred in my car flying off the road, through some trees, and into a ditch. All I remember is turning my wheel, and then the airbag blowing up in my face and everything went black for a second. It smelt smokey, and my heart was racing. I looked around me and realized that I had crashed my car, and I was very scared.

Next thing I know, a bunch of strangers were stopping on the side of the road to make sure that I was ok, but all I could think about was how mad my mom would be at me and how I had to call her and tell her. I called her, very nervous, and terrified of what was about to happen. I told her that I had crashed the car, and all though she was probably worried about my safety,  all she was doing in the moment was yelling at me because I made a mistake. While waiting for her to come get me, I had to sit there by myself, talking to strangers, feeling so disappointing in myself. This resulted in me having a concussion, some burns and scrapes on my arms and legs, my mom’s car being totaled, and me having to deal with the guilt of what had happened. Since then, I have taken my moms advice for everything, and know not to argue when she tells me no. I then had to pay back my mom the expenses of her car, buy my own car, and everything else. But losing all of that money wasn’t the hardest part for me. The hardest part for me is getting over the mistake that I made that ruined a lot of stuff. For days when I just had to sit at home because I wasn’t allowed to do anything because of the concussion I got, there was a lot of time for me to just think about it all.

Even though this was something bad that happened and it could’ve been much worse, it definitely taught me a lot. Since then I have been a more cautious driver, and more focused on what I am doing. With that I have also listened to my mom more, and now I know when I should and shouldn’t do certain things.


All rights reserved by SubhSen


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