TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


I have learned through the years that people need more than just help, reiassurance, love, and care are all important too. Some times when people ask you to help them it may be something you cant fix. There are different ways that people ask for help, and I wa one of those poeple. In this particular instance I just needed company to get my mind off it.
My best friend and I are always there to back each other up through the hard times. We are only one call, text, and house away. My parents are recently filing for a divorce and I have been finding it really hard to cope with. My friend Izik Juray though went throught the same thing a couple years ago. I was always there to support him when he needed it the most. It was not an easy time for him since he has gone through this before too. It was devestaing for everyone, so we would hang out and just forget about the bad that is actually happening. We were younger when this was going down, so we just would go outside and do the things we would usually do when trying to get away from everything and talk it out. Instead of hearing all the yelling, and having the stress that was built up between everyone, we left. Those were the times that really helped him get through it. Being able to forget about that stuff for a while was a blessing, and I am thankful he helped me out too.
A couple weeks ago my parents informed me and my sisters that they were getting a divorce. I could feel my heart drop into my stomach when I heard those words come out of their mouth. It was the last thing I expected to hear them say. I didnt show much emotion, I was just quite, puzzled, and confused. It shocked me so much because it came out of no where.
The next day I went to Izik’s house. I have known him forever and he is super close to my family, so I wanted to let him know what was happening. I felt lonley and upset, so I needed someone and some reassurance. When I got to his house I sat down and just said it. I sat there and bawled while he came over and hugged me to calm me down. He talked to me about it so I could get the emotions I held in, out. I spent the whole day at his house just watching movies and getting my mind off this. I definitley needed someone to vent to and he was there for me when nobody else was.
The way Izik and I helped each other was not exactly like fixing the situation, but we were there for one another. Sometimes you dont need someone to actually fix something, you may just need the love and support instead. Everybody needs a friend like Izik in their life.
Photo by eflon on / CC BY


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