TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Snow, Snow, Go Away Come Again Another Day

Snow days are every kids happiness. The excitment of no school, sleeping in, hot coco, sledding, and much more. We prayed for these days because it was fun to stay home in PJs all day and just relax. 3rd grade on December 20th, 2008 when school was cancelled because of the slick icy roads, I was not one of those happy kids this day. Instead I had one of the scariest moments of my life.
I remember driving down a slippery snowy back road that felt never ending. We were headed to get a large cheese pizza at Pizza Hut in Lewiston. I saw this medium silver car coming our direction in the other lane a ways down but, I thought nothing of it. I sat in the middle seat in the back while both of my sisters sat quietly next to me. Emily to my right staring out at the window, and Lily chowing down her bag of tortilla chips. It as only a couple seconds between the last time I looked at the oncoming car, and when I saw the car coming straight at us. It was then my heart sank to my stomach.
Smokey, thick, fumes were pouring out of our car so my vision to find a way out was close to impossible. Eventually my dads door opened so he could get us three out. But it was then when he opened the left back door, that he saw my youngest sister laying there unconsious. Everyone was panicking, crying, and screaming, and I just sat there emotionless taking it all in. The rest of the day I was quiet and didnt say much. It traumatized me for months, and opened my eyes that I need to be aware of my surroundings while driving. Nobody can be trusted on the road except for yourself, you can only control what you do.
A drunk driver was the cause of my family’s horrible snow day and it showed me a lot can go wrong by drinking and driving. I personally experienced almost losing my youngest sister to a selfish driver on slick icy roads.The Earth was particularly cruel for snowing on this day because we would have not been in this situation and it all would have been fine. The coldness, snow, slippery roads were all factors that are caused by Earths weather. And just like that, because of the Earths evil patterns me and my family got into a horrible car accident, and I will never forget it.
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