TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Impossible

The Earth was cruel when the 2004 Indian ocean tsunami and earthquake hit. It is the sixth deadliest natural disaster in history which is saying a lot because there has been a lot of natural disaster because Earth is terrible. The tsunami had a magnitude of 9.1-9.3, with a maximum being 10 on the Mercali intensity scale. Claiming more than 280,000 lives, it is safe to say it is one of the deadliest natural disasters. The earthquake under the sea caused a massive tsunami to occur, when the plates moved, a wave was formed. It killed people in 14 countries, which is a lot of countries for one wave to hit. The tsunami hit and damaged the coasts of most land masses bordering the Indian Ocean. This disaster was so horrible that a movie was made about it. The movie “The Impossible” is a true story about a family that went on a Christmas vacation to Thailand. The day after Christmas, the tsunami hit. The whole family got split up and the movie shows what happened and how they were able to find each other. Sometimes the Earth is cruel and when it is, it claims many lives. There is no need for people to die in such horrible ways, and by things that are natural and normally safe.
This event affected my understanding of the ways Earth can be cruel because none of those people deserved or wanted to die in this way. A lot of them were just trying to enjoy their Christmas vacation then the Earth had to go and have an earthquake that caused a huge tsunami that led to the death of many people. That is just not fair, everyone was just trying to have a good time. They spent all this money on a nice resort for their family. But what do they get in return? They get death, injury, lots of medical bills, and probably some mental issues as well because they were all separated from each other and probably though that the rest of their family was dead. This taught me that things aren’t fair and the Earth can be very cruel. WHAT DID ALL THESE PEOPLE DO TO YOU EARTH? WHY YOU GOTTA BE SO RUDE? (LOL song quote and I didn’t try,(OMG I am so dumb, Sarah, nobody cares))



Photo by arkhangellohim on / CC BY-NC-SA


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