TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

True to yourself

When you feel insecure it is always good to have a friend around who really cares about you and wants to make you feel better. For this particular insecurity my boyfriend was there to help me understand that I am beautiful and that I can take control of my self and fix what I am not happy with.
One night I was looking online for some clothes, not because I needed any but because I really wanted some. Every time I came across something I liked it didn’t have my size. After numerous attempts to get one outfit online I had given up all hope. I felt like I was too fat for this stores clothing because they happened to be out of my size in almost everything. With this feeling of being fat I started to cry quietly.
My boyfriend, Darryn noticed that I was crying and decided to come over and ask me what was wrong. When he did this I didn’t want to tell him. I didn’t want my boyfriend to know that a store didn’t have my size in stock for anything. So instead of letting him help make me feel better I pushed him away and took out my frustrations on him.
Being the kind and understanding boyfriend he is, he knew he had nothing to do with my anger or sadness and allowed me to attempt to push him away. He stayed by my side until I was ready to tell him what was wrong and he then did what any great boyfriend would do and told me how beautiful I was and that I didn’t need to buy new clothes because the ones I had were perfect. It was then that I realized he truely cared about my happiness.
 I told him how much I wanted to change and he offered to help me through the process like any good friend would do. With Darryn by my side I became more comfortable with the way I look, and that is all I needed. Having a friend around to help you through a time in need is truly an amazing experience for both you and your friend. Times of need bring people closer and it did in this situation for sure.
A time that I had helped a friend would be when I helped Darryn study for tests that he really needed some help on. He had been behind for a while but did not want to ask for help from anyone. When it got closer to the time he had set up to take his test he finally told me that he had needed some help on studying for a big test. I said of course I can help and put aside my work to help him on his. I am always willing to drop what I am doing to help someone that needs my help. I love aiding those who are willing to be aided. So that is a time that I helped someone and someone helped me.
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  • mhilchey18
    February 14, 2018 at 11:23 am 

    I like how honest you were. Being insecure about something can be mentally destroying, but having someone there to pick you up always makes you feel good. Not that I have a boyfriend, lol, but I have some pretty cool friends that do the same thing.

  • jharris20
    May 15, 2020 at 11:43 am 

    I love how you let out your feelings about something that meant a lot to you! I understand how it can be really hard to express your feelings, but having someone there to help you always makes it a little bit easier!

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