TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Storm Of October

  The time I saw the earth’s cruelty, was the day of the bomb cyclone we had from the remnants of the tropical storm Philippe. Which caused a aftermath for a week in October of 2017.
  I remember the storm just like it was yesterday.. It was on a early Monday morning in October, just around the week of Halloween. The high gust winds and pouring rain took out our power within a hour or two after it started. It was very hard to sleep through especially when the house shook. Since my room is on the second floor and I live around a lot of trees, my parents thought it would be best if my siblings and I stayed downstairs. Which I don’t disagree with them since most of the trees around my house are very old and are ready to come down.
  After the storm had calmed down a bit and my family and I could finally see outside, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. A lot of things around my house had either been destroyed or fallen down. A few major things was the big oak that came down and was nearly inches from hitting my car. Then there was part of the dog fence that got ripped up from the ground. And last but not least the flag pole that is in front of our house. The flag pole was very important to my family and to especially me. The house that I have lived in since I was four, was my grandparents house. That flag pole was something my grandfather put up over twenty years ago. Even though it is easy to replace, it is kinda sad to see it come down.
  After witnessing the damage that had come to my house. My dad and I tried to go and drive around for a bit since the power was out. The problem was that we couldn’t get out on either of the both sides of the ends of our road. On the ends of our road, there were power lines laying in the road including a bunch of trees. So we had to turn around and go home. On the fifth day after the storm hit, we finally got our power back. Luckily we had our generator for most of the time after the storm had ended. But I will admit it was pretty boring because there wasn’t really much to do and we didn’t have any school for the week so I didn’t get to see any of my friends.
  After all of this had happened in one week, I have learned how cruel the earth can really be. After seeing on the news what others had experienced. It has really showed me how powerful mother nature can be a her strongest, and how cruel the earth can be to the world.


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  • mbeaule18
    February 14, 2018 at 7:43 pm 

    It was a crazy week and a lot of things were destroyed but it shows how people can come together and help each other in a time of need. I know a lot of the first responders were out straight for days on end.

  • edossantos18
    February 20, 2018 at 9:14 am 

    That week was the craziest storm, besides snow storms, in Maine. I’ve only been in Maine for 4 years, so I haven’t seen a lot, so a storm like this was not common where I’m from. This storm was destructive to many places inside Maine. Luckily, at least we did not get a hurricane.

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