TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

War is like Heroin

Look back at any war we have had. We might not necessarily be doing bad in our economy but if you really look at it, every time we have been in war our economy has gotten better while we are in war. The main reason I related War to Heroin is very simple actually. When a person is able to get their hands on some and do Heroin they are like “Wow this awesome!” they feel amazing at first, probably better than ever but then it starts to die down, and then they feel like crap and do you know how this is fixed? The only way to get back to that same feeling is by doing more Heroin, the only way to get back to that same feeling again is doing the drug again, same with war. We have to go back into war if we want our economy to get to it’s peak again.
So if you look back our economy might not be doing bad, but every time we go into war it makes our economy do much much better. War has always done this to our country, much like Heroin when we go into it at first we are doing and feel really good but when it goes away we feel pretty bad and are not doing nearly as good as we once were. The only way to get back to that same feeling again is to do Heroin again…or in this case go back into war again like we have many times, that seems like one of the only reasons we pick fights with people, it’s to get that “high” feeling again in terms of our economy.  Of course war is bad in a lot of ways too, it doesn’t always help our economy and people could argue either way overall but more often than not it seems that war helps the economy overall. Going to war gets us again in that “high” feeling you could call it. War is the only way for us to do that which is why I say war is like Heroin. I wouldn’t say that this has directly impacted me at least in a huge way, it is more of something I thought of on the spot and thought it would be an interesting thing to talk about. When I first thought of this it did sound weird but you can see how they relate if you really look at it. So like I said I pretty much thought of how war was like Heroin pretty much off the top of my head but it did seem to make sense overall, it definitely sounds weird and I can see that. I do think it is sad though that our country needs to go to war for us to really get in that high place, yeah it doesn’t always happen and it does cause harm to us also but there have been times where it has made our economy better. That was of course while we were in war, which again is why I said war is like Heroin.


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  • edossantos18
    February 20, 2018 at 9:04 am 

    This post is very true. The worst part is that millions of people’s family die in war, but yet it’s an addiction. Sometimes, however, war can be inevitable, but it can also be prevented with right actions taken. A lot of wars seem to have been caused because of religion. If religion does not agree, then nobody agrees. It’s like the crusades, which is war of religion, and it’s like this current war with ISIS.

  • tdesmarais18
    February 21, 2018 at 11:47 am 

    This is a very interesting way to look at how war treats our economy. You could also add the fact that war could be our down fall. For example if for some reason Russia convinces a couple other countries to join them in attacking the US and succeeds.

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