TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Well Spent Time Together

  There was a time during my freshman year of high school when I helped a very close friend of mine by letting her stay at my house for about three months. I have had a few other friends stay at my house for a period of time, but not for this long.
  So this friend of mine was was the first friend I made in the fifth grade when it was the first year; when all 3 towns came together as one. We became best friends immediately after we first met, when we noticed we were both left handed.
  After pretty much four years of us being friends, My friend’s mother was struggling with some things during October of 2014; and it ended with them having to move to where some of my friends family was living, which was two hours away. So this friend of mine didn’t want to go because she didn’t want to leave the friends she had behind so quickly. Later on when I told my mother about the situation, so she told me she could stay at our house temporarily. So my friend could keep carrying on with school, and also see her friends until her mother was settled.
  Having my friend here during those three months were pretty fun. We got to hang out with each other every day after school, and we even got to go pick out a Christmas tree.  So having her with us was like having a sister I have never had before. We did have our up and downs, but we were able to have a lot of fun memories together. I am very happy that my mother aloud this to happen. Because it gave my friend no stress of having to move so quickly.
  I think between the two of us, it helped us learn a lot about each other that we didn’t know. And we learned how to help each other through the good and bad times. The best part was that we had each other to fall back on, when we felt like we had nobody else to go too. When it was time for her to move we still stayed in touch, and still do till this day. I also had a time where I was having some family problems, and a friend of mine let me stay at her house for the weekend.
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